Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Nicole!" My mom yelled for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Coming!" I yell all the way from the top of the stairs.

"Nikki if you don't hurry up we will be late for the plane." She warned me as she ran out the door with her suit cases.

Just in case you didn't know my
friends and family call me Nikki.

"Okay, okay chill we'll be there on time." I promised.

My mom swung open the trunk of the car and threw our suit cases in. She rushed in the car and drove off. I called my friend Emma to say goodbye to her. I'm excited and upset. Excited because I'm finally going to college. Upset because I'm leaving what I love most my friends.

"How much more time till we get to the airport?" I asked.

"About 15 more minutes." Answered my mom who looked like if we don't make it on time she'll go nuts.

I unlocked my phone and saw a few texts from my friends saying that they'll miss me. I texted them back saying that I'll miss them even more. I've always wanted to visit Australia and now I can't believe we're going to live there. I got lost in my thoughts.

"We're here Nikki help me with the suit cases." My mom said waking me up from my thoughts.

We got our suit cases and headed inside the airport.

"Final call for the flight to Australia." A speaker announced.

"Go go go!" Yelled my mom as we ran towards a lady and handed her our tickets. We boarded the plane and took our seats while the plane took off. I used to have a huge fear of heights when I was younger but I guess now it seems relaxing. I took out my phone and texted my friends telling them that our plane just took off and we're heading straight towards Australia.

Text message to Emma:

I'm gonna miss you lots. I can't wait until your mom lets you come to Australia.

I locked my phone and waited for her reply.

From Emma:

I'll miss you more Nikki! My mom says I can go in 2 months! I can't wait!

2 months is a long time to wait. I really wanted Emma to come with me but her mom wouldn't let her.

To Emma:

Its a really long time but I can't wait. I have to go some lady said I have to turn my phone off because of the flight so I'll text you when I land. Love you!

I decided to sleep for a while my mom was already asleep.


"Nikki wake up we're here." My mom said as she shook me to wake me up.

I helped my mom with the suit cases and exited the plane. Australia was so beautiful. I looked around and I was amazed.

"Want to go get some coffee from Starbucks? I'm exhausted." My mom asks as she puts on a sweater.

"Yeah sure why not." I smile.

My mom called my uncle to go pick up our car we left at the airport.

"Lets get a Taxi." She says.

We got into a Taxi and the driver took us to the nearest Starbucks.

As we entered Starbucks I felt warm and cozy it was a little cold outside.

I followed my mom and sat down at a table.

"I'll be right back I have to go to the restroom." Said my mom as she got up and walked to the restroom.

A really good looking guy walked in and ordered his coffee then sat at the table next to the one I was sitting at.

"Well hello there my name is Ashton and yours?" He asks with a warm smile on his face showing his adorable dimples.

"My name is Nicole but you may call me Nikki." I smile

"You're not from he are you?" He asks noticing my british accent.

"No actually my mom and I just got here from the airport. I'm from England." I tell him.

"It seems like your exhausted from the flight from England." He said.

"Yeah I really am." I say.

"Well I have to go anyways but here's my number so text or call me anytime." He says handing me a slip of paper.

"Yeah I will thanks nice meeting you Ashton." I say.

"Nice meeting you too." He smiles.

Right after he left my mom came back.

"Mom I met a really nice guy while you were gone." I tell her.

"Really? Thats nice Nikki. See you're already making friends." She smiles at me.

We order our coffee and leave. We get into another Taxi and the driver drives us to our new house. I think I'm going to like it here.

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