Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Today was going to be 5 seconds of summer's first concet here in Miami. I don't even know if I can go without tickets.

"Good morning." Ashton says waking up.

"Good morning. Am I allowed to go to your concert without tickets?" I ask.

"Of course you are. You're my girlfriend I'll make them let you in." Ashton says getting out of bed.

"I have to go and get ready the concert is early today." He says grabbing a random plain black shirt and putting it on.

"I should get ready too." I say jumping out of bed.

I check to see what time it is on m phone and see a text from Harry. Wait what? How did he get my number?

From: Harry

Have fun at the concert tonight babe. I'll be there ;)

To: Harry

Don't call me babe. How do you have my number anyways.

From: Harry

I forced Louis to give it to me.

I knew I gave Louis my number he is one of my closest friends.

To: Harry

You shouldn't have done that.

From: Harry

Why not?

To: Harry

Just leave me alone I have to get ready.

From: Harry

Dress is something nice ;)

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone on the bed.

I decided to wear my white shorts and the 5 seconds of summer shirt Ashton gave me. I got out my makeup bag and applied mascara on. I didn't really need anything else except lip gloss. I wore my tennis shoes. I went to the bathroom to curl my hair. When I got out of the bathroom Ashton was digging through the drawers.

"What are you looking for." I ask walking over to him.

"Just my new drumsticks you gave me on christmas." He says without looking up at me.

"I could help you look." I say walking over to another drawer.

After a few more minutes of searching Ashton yelled out something.

"I found them!" He said finding them under the bed in a box.

"We should leave now because the concert is in 45 minutes." Ashton says and we rush out.

"Will it just be you guys performing or..?" I ask hoping only them will be because I don't feel like seeing Harry.

"Actually no. We will perform after One Direction." He says.

"Oh." I sigh.

"Why?" He asked wondering why I asked that.

"I just really don't want to see Harry." I say.

"Yeah me neither." He sighs.

15 minutes later we arrived where they were performing and went back stage.

"Nice shirt." Luke compliments.

"Thanks." I smile.

I saw Harry across the room staring at me. I decide to ignore him.

"Tonight we'll go to my place after the show since its new years." Niall says.

"We have to go to the stage the concert starts in five minutes." Zayn says and the One Direction boys rush out.

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