Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I got lost in my thoughts again imagining Ashton being one of those guys that Claire would like to date. The only guys I see Claire with are guys who go to parties all the time and get drunk. I couldn't focus on what was going on in class. I had a hard time paying attention in all of my classes I was lost in my thoughts in every single one of my classes. The rest of my classes passed by quicker than I thought. I exited my classroom and Ashton was standing right outside the classroom waiting for me.

"How was your day?" He asked me.

"Great how was yours?" I asked.

"It was okay." He responds.

"Want to come over to my dorm so we can go out for dinner to get to know each other a little bit more?" He asks with a cute smile.

"Yeah sure why not." I smile back.

He took my hand in his and we both walk to his dorm.

"I'll just get ready and we can go." I say as we enter Ashtons dorm.

"Yeah me too." He says.

I put my books down on his shelf and took a shower. I hope nobody walks in since its public. Luckily nobody did. I grabbed some clothes from my bag. I put on my skinny jeans and a shirt with a hoodie over it. I grab my beanie and put it over my head. I never wear make-up so I guess I was ready. Ashton was siting on his bed all ready to go.

"Where are we going." I asked.

Hopefully we're not going anywhere fancy because of the way I look.

"I was thinking we could pack some food and go to a park or something." He says.

"Yeah that sounds great." I smile.

We packed some food into a small basket and left. The park looks beautiful. I thought as I looked out the car window.

"Do you like it." Ashton asked.

"Yes I love it. Its so beautiful." I say.

"I'm glad you like it." He says.

As I got out of the car I grabbed the basket and walked over to a table and Ashton followed me. We both sat down and started a conversation.

"I want to get to know you." Ashton says as he takes a bite of his sandwich he got from the basket.

"Well I have no brothers or sisters. My mom and my dad got divorced when I was 9. My dad always came home drunk and he would slap me and my mom. One time I remember he was yelling at my mom and slapping her I tried to stand up for her she told me to leave but I wouldn't listen. When I told my dad to stop he beat me with his belt and left me with bruises all over my body. I hated my dad I wish that my mom and him would have never gotten married. One night he never bothered showing up. He never showed up until 3 weeks later and thats when my parents got divorced. I have never seen my dad ever since. We moved to a different city and I got transferred to a different school. Well my first day didn't go well most of the kids there picked on me because I was a nerd and had bruises on my arms and legs. Some group of kids would push me and trip me in the hallways. They made me feel like I was useless. I wanted to tell my mom and the principal but they told me that if I ever told anyone they would do worse. I couldn't imagine them hurting me even more than they already were. The bullying continued it never stopped. I kept going home with bruises, my mom would ask me what happened at school. I would just simply tell her that I fell that I was just clumsy. I had no friends at school. Everybody hated me. They took advantage of me because they knew I was weak. They knew that I always got picked on. Then one day I finally made a friend. She was so nice to me. She would stand up for me. I was really happy. Every time someone picked on me she would punch them. Until one day when she betrayed me for a group of girls who were mean and selfish. The girl who was my best friend would now punch me in the stomach each time she had the chance to. I couldn't take it anymore I had to tell someone what everyone has been doing to me. How people were mistreating me. I ran home sobbing. When I got home I burst through the door and told my mom everything. She asked me why I didn't tell her before. I told her why and she told me that tomorrow we would move to a different school that she would send me to get my stuff from school the next day. I told her that I didn't want to go back. We moved and just left my stuff there. It seemed like everyone hated me. Everybody knew that I would be easy to pick on." I trusted Ashton enough to tell him this. I was crying and hopefully he won't betray me like those other people did.

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