Chapter 33

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Songs for this chapter:

Disconnected ~ 5SOS

The only Reason ~ 5SOS

Little me ~ Little Mix

Half a Heart ~ One Direction

Chapter 33

Nikki's POV

"I've had fun here in America. Its the first time I've been here." I tell Ashton.

"I'm glad you had fun but its time to go home baby." Ashton tells me.

We are at the airport about to go back to Australia.

I wonder what happened to Claire.

"I'm hungry." Michael said.

"No food on the plane sorry." A lady told Michael while we all got on the plane.


"I'm glad that plane ride is over with." I say.

"It wasn't that bad." Emma told me.

"We should go home baby I'm tired." Ashton told me.

I nodded my head yes and we left.

On the way to Ashtons house I called my mom and told her I was back in Australia.

"I'm so exhausted." Ashton said.

"Me too its been a long day." I said.

When Ashton opens the front door I walk in and walk straight to Ashtons room and fall on the bed. Ashton follows me.

We cuddle up in bed and sleep in each others arms.


It's 2:37pm and Ashton and I are at a cafe.

"I'll be right back." Ashton told me.

"Ok." I said awkwardly.

A few minutes later a girl came up to me and started talking to me.

"Oh my god. You're Nikki." She said.

"Thats me." I smile. "And you are?" I ask her.

"My name is Amy Smith." She smiles.

"I'm a huge fan of 5 seconds of summer and you are my favorite 5SOS girlfriend." Amy told me.

"Thank you so much that means a lot to me." I tell her.

She sits down and we talk more.

"So is it just you here or.....?" Amy asked.

"I came here with Ashton. He said he'd be back but he's not yet." I tell her.

"I can't believe this is happening to me I met you and I might meet Ashton. This is the best day of my life." She told me.

"I'm glad you're happy to meet me because I'm happy to meet you." I smile at her.

"Oh look whos coming." I tell her and point to Ashtons direction.

"Oh my god." She began to have tears fall out of her eyes.

"Hello there I'm Ashton and you are?" Ashton asks Amy.

"I obviously know who you are and I'm Amy Smith." I tell Ashton through my cries.

"Its nice to meet you." Ashton smiled at her.

The girl took a picture with Ashton and he gave her his autograph.

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