Chapter 31

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Songs for this chapter

You're beautiful ~ James Blunt

Never say never ~ The Fray

Say when ~ The Fray

You and I ~ One Direction

Say you like me ~ We the kings

Demons ~ Imagine Dragons

Unpredictable ~ 5SOS

Chapter 31

I woke up with Ashton's arms wrapped tightly around me.

Today we will be going to New York and I already have everything packed.

I gently shifted out of bed. I then went to brush my teeth and when I got out of the bathroom Ashton was up making sure our suit cases we're ready. Another exhausting day of plane flight.

"Ready to head to the airport?" Ashton asks me.

"Yep." I respond.

Ashton called a taxi and when it came we shoved all of ou suit cases in the trunk.

'Where to Mr.Irwin?" The taxi driver asked.

"Airport." Ashton answered.

We got to the airport and this time we were a little early. Everybody else was already here though.

"You guys aren't late for once." Luke said.

"Shut up." Ashton laughed.

We gave all of our tickets to some lady and we walked to the airplane.

"I hate airplanes." I whispered to myself.

We got into the airplane and sat down.

The plane began to move and I just relaxed.

The plane flight will be over in a few hours, I thought to myself.

Claire's POV

Fucking Nicole thinks she got rid of me well she didn't. I'm here in New York and I know they'll be coming over here. I'll get rid of her I know I will. Ashton will be all for me just like he was last year before Nicole came along. My life was perfect without fucking Nicole in it. I'm the one who's supposed to get all the attention, I'm the one who's supposed to have Ashton, because without Ashton I'm not popular. Just think about it, if I have Ashton for me, who knows maybe I could be famous one day. I could possibly even have more fans than five seconds of summer.

I'm gonna find a way to kick Nicole and her fucking friends away.

I think I have an idea.

First I need to hire a guy to "have a crush" on Nicole. He'll kiss her in front of Ashton and he'll dump her. After that Ashton will be all for me.

I'm so smart.

Secret POV ;)

I will find Nicloe and kill her. After what she did to me she doesn't deserve to live. I heard she's going to New York with her stupid friends.

That fucking Ashton guy will pay for saving Nicole. If it wasn't for him she'd be dead right now.

I'm gonna write her a little letter and if she doesn't do what I say I'll kill her and her friends.

Nikki's POV

The plane finally landed and I'm grabbing my suit cases.

When we all got off of the plane there were hundreds of girls with posters that read 5SOS and One Direction.


"Hey you, Emma, Layla, and Alex go and wait for the taxi that I called the boys and I will stay here a little while with the fans." Ashton told me.

I did as he told me.

As Emma, Layla, Alex and I tried to get past the fans some of them asked us for pictures and autographs.

We saw the taxi and we got in.

"Where would you like to go Miss. Carter.?" The taxi driver asked me.

I gave the taxi driver the address to the hotel we will be staying at.

Emma, Layla, Alex and I each went to our rooms.

As I put my suit cases down I heard a knock at the door.

I answered the door and a lady handed me a piece of paper.

"This was sent to you." The lady told me.

"From who?" I ask the lady.

"They didn't say their name." She said.

I took the piece of paper and thanked her. I shut the door as she left.

I unfolded the piece of paper and it was a letter.

The letter read:

Dear Nicole,

You think you've gotten rid of me? Well you haven't I know where you are. I know that you're in New York. I will find you and kill you. Plus, it'll be easier to find you knowing that you're with a famous band. Don't you remember when I almost killed you? I'm gonna try to kill you again but this time it'll work. There is no way you can stop me. Don't even try showing this letter to the police because they'll find no finger prints on it but yours. You wont be able to escape me now. I've been planning on killing you since the day the police threw me in jail because of you. Don't think that once you throw this letter away or show it to your dumb boyfriend you'll be safe, because you wont. Your boyfriend can't protect you forever right? I know exactly where you take a step and I'll be there right next to you but you wont be able to see me. I can just go to the police myself and ask for you and they'll tell me where to find you but I don't have to do that because I know exactly which hotel you're in. In fact I'm standing in the exact same hotel as you. I know where your boyfriend and his band will be playing at. I know that you'll be there to watch and I will be there too. I will be standing right next to you literally and you will have no idea who I am. I suggest you stay away from stangers because everywhere you go I'll be there too. I don't care if you move all the way to some empty unknown town because I'll follow you there. If you tell anyone about this letter I would hide if I were you because I'll have my gun and once I have a chance I'll shoot. After I have killed you, your lovely boyfriend will be next and then your friends, and after that comes your mother. I don't care if I'll go to jail for life after that at least I'll be happy that you people will be dead. Just remember one thing Nicole, I'm watching every step you take.

After I finished reading that I dropped it to the ground.

Could it possibly be from my father? No he's in jail right? He's supposed to be in jail for 20 years. Did he escape? Its probably not even from him. Who else though? Claire? No I don't think its Claire because she has never tried to kill me before and in the letter it said that they've tried to kill me before. The only person who has tried to kill me is my father.

I tried not to freak out. How am I supposed to not freak out when the person who wrote this letter is stalking me? They said that they know where I am right now, but how?

Should I call the police? If I cal the police they'll arrest him right? Its not like my father will be able to do anything to me. I'll show the police this letter.

I decided not to call the police what if my father has a plan to escape the police again and after that he'll come straight to me and kill me.

Its been half an hour since I got here and Ashton hasn't arrived.

I'm terrified right now I don't feel safe at all. I feel like somebody is watching me at this very moment. If my father does do what he says and kills eveybody he mentioned it'll be all my fault.

I need to find a way to stop my father or who ever wrote this letter.

You and I (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now