Chapter 25

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Songs for this chapter:

Say something - A great big world

A drop in the ocean - Ron Pope

3000 miles - Emblem 3

Chapter 25

Nikki's POV

I can hear everything Ashton is telling me. I'm pretending that I'm asleep but I'm not I'm listening to everything he has to say about me. About us.

He's telling me how he will always love me. He's telling me how he would feel if I ever left him.

I would never leave him. He means the world to me.

A few minutes of silence pass by and I fall asleep.


"Nikki." I hear Ashton say and he wakes me up.

"Mmm." I groan.

"Nikki wake up." He says.

Why is he waking me up?

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Its 1:42pm." He says.

Holy shit its late.

"What? Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah I was worrying about you because you slept in and you never do that." He says.

"I just slept in thats all." I say.

I feel so tired I want to just stay in bed all day.

"What would you like to do today?" Ashton asks me.

"Nothing really. I want to stay in bed all day." I say.

I can't stay in bed all day but I want to.

I should probably do my work from college.

"I'll stay here with you." Ashton says.

"Are you sure? I can get out of bed and we can go for a walk or something." I don't want to keep him in if he doesn't want to stay.

"No I want to. I'm pretty tired too." He says.

He takes his shoes off and climbs onto the bed with me.

"I remember the day we met perfectly just like it was yesterday." Ashton says.

"Me too." I do remember that day perfectly.

It was the first day I arrived in Australia. My mum and I went to a coffe shop and Ashton was sitting at the table next to mine.

"That day replays in my head over and over." He says.

"You were the first person I met when I arrived." I say.

When my mum went to the restroom Ashton and I started talking. He had to go so he gave me his phone number. That same night I texted him telling him I was going to college the next day.

"I wouldn't change that day for anything in the world." Ashton goes on.

"Neither would I." I say and mean it.

Its true I would never change that day for anything in the world.

Harry's POV

I can't stop thinking about how I told Nikki everything that I feel. I don't know how I told her I guess it just came out.

I was about to knock on the door to Nikki's hotel room when I saw some stranger pressing his ear against the door.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask the man.

You and I (Ashton Irwin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora