Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Nikki's POV

I woke up to a bunch of girls screaming outside. What the heck?

"Ashton?" I ask.

"Nikki there's loads of fans outside we can't leave or else you will get hurt." He says.

"We should go see they only want to see you. Don't you want to meet your fans?" I ask.

"Okay but I'll protect you so you wont get hurt." Ashton says.

We leave Ashtons room and open the front door.

"Guys! Guys!" Ashton yells.

The screaming stops.

"Ashton who is that and why is she wearing your shirt." A fan asks angrily.

I forgotten to change back into my clothes.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Another one asks starting to tear up.

"No shes not my girlfriend. She's just a friend from college." Ashton says.

Yeah we're just friends from college. COLLEGE!

"Ashton we're gonna be late for classes!" I yell running back into the house.

"Nikki wait! Can we have a lazy day again? The fans won't let us leave anyways." Ashton says.


"Please?" Ashton begs.

"Ashton we can't." I say.

"Do what Ashton Irwin is telling you jesus he's asking you something!" One fan yells.

"Okay Ashton but I swear if tomorrow you ask this I will go even if it means I have to walk there." I say.

"Why are you here with Ashton you need to leave!" A fan yells.

"Yeah you can't stay here with him. Beside you're too ugly for Ashton." Another fan yells.


"No stop it don't say that. She is beautiful okay? I'm sorry guys but we have to go back inside." Ashton says.

I run back inside with tears in my eyes.

"Nikki wait!" Ashton yells out.

"They hate me!" I yell back.

"They just don't like seeing me or the boys with girls." Ashton says.

"They said the truth anyway. I'm ugly and not good enough to be your friend." I say.

"No Nikki don't say that. You're the most beautiful girl I've met." Ashton says.

"You're lying. I'm not. You're just saying that to make me feel better." I cry out.

"No Nikki its the truth." Ashton says.

"Why do you even want to be my friend? Most of the people I've know have bullied me." I say.

"Because I know you're an amazing person. The people who bullied you don't know the meaning of an amazing person." Ashton say.

Ashton makes me feel like I'm actually worth living.

"Thank you Ashton you always make me feel better." I say walking over to him to hug him.

"I'm glad I can make you happy." Ashton responds hugging me back.

"What would you like to do today?" Ashton asks me as I pull away from the hug.

"I have a surprise for you. I'm taking you to a private beach." Ashton says.

"Thats going to be fun. Let me get ready." I say.

"Okay." He responds.

I grab my bag and go to the bathroom to change. I grabbed my pink shorts and a white shirt and put them on. I took out my flip flops and wore those. I curled my hair even though I knew I will be in the water. I wont wear any makeup because the water will ruin it. I go back to Ashtons room and grab my bag with my swim suit in it. I know I pack everything. When I turn to Ashton he's all ready to go.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yup." I say.

We both leave in his car an when he arrives at the beach its wonderful.

"This is beautiful." I say.

"I'm glad you like it." He says.

We both hop out of his car and walk over to the shore. There is a little beach house near by.

"That is where all the food and other stuff is." Ashton says pointing to the beach house.

"Let me go change into my swim suit then." I say walking over to the house.

I walk in and it's just so amazing. I go get changed in the bathroom and then come back out. When I come out Ashton in his shorts and he's shirtless. I can't help but stop walking and just stare at him. He's sitting on the sand facing the sea. I finally start making my way over to Ashton.

"Hey wanna swim?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah of course that why we came right?" I joke.

"Yeah thats why we came." He laughs.

He runs in and I follow. We both go underwater and he starts chasing me. I couldn't hold my breath any longer so I decided to go back up.

"Nikki can I tell you something?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah you can tell me anything." I say.

"Well I uh... I haven't found the right time to say this and I haven't had to courage to but... I like you Nikki a lot. I have since we first met." Ashton says.

"Really? Ashton I don't know what to say because well... I feel the same way." I say.

"I know we've just met but Nikki would you be my girlfriend?" Ashton asked me.

Did he just ask me to be hi girlfriend or am I just dreaming? Why would he like me I'm not good enough.

"Yes Ashton I would love to." I say happily.

"I love you Nikki." He says.

No guy has ever said that to me. I've been single all my life because I am who I am. But Ashton is the first guy to ever make me feel this way.

"I love you too Ashton." I say.

We get out of the water and go inside the beach house. I make Ashton and I a sandwich and sit on the floor because if we sit on the couch we'll soak it. We end up spend the day there well until 6pm the we decide to go back. Ashton and I both changed into dry clothes then he drove me to my dorm so I can sleep there and go to classes tomorrow. I shove my keys into the door knob and open the door. I see Alex sitting on her bed.

"Where have you been? Did Ashton kidnap you and rape you?" Alex laughs.

"No he didn't." I laugh too. "He took me to the beach. And guess what!" I ask.

"What?" Alex asks.

"Ashton and I are dating!" I say excitingly.

"Oh my god thats amazing news!" Alex says almost screaming.

"Well Calum tool me somewhere too." Alex says.

"Really? Where to?" I ask.

"He took me to a carnival it was so fun to spend my day with him." She smiles.

"You and Calum would be perfect together." I say and she blushes.

"You and Ashton are meant for each other." Alex says. "Anyways we should go to bed its getting late." She says jumping to her bed.

"Yeah." I say going to my bed.

"Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight." Alex responds.

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