Chapter Fourteen

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Megan's POV

"Its party time!!" Lillia screamed beside us. Filling up another cup with beer. Its barely been an hour since the party kicked off, and she's already drunk off her ass.

"I don't see how you people go to these things." Skye complained beside us. She actually came without much fuss, but once we got here, she was just a big 'ole ray of sunshine. Not. But she did look rockin.

She was wearing an ACDC T-shirt, with her trademark skinny jeans and boots. Her dirty blonde hair falling freely over her shoulders.

"Its barely been an hour Skye! Loosen up!" Sloan bellowed. Already on her fifth shot of vodka.

Her attire was obviously a bit more flamboyant. Rocking a maroon crop top with a black skater skirt, with her own signature converse.

"When we leave, you better not puke in my car!" Skye warned.

I laughed grabbing my own beer. Honestly, the taste of beer is a lot more smooth for me than vodka. Plus I didn't plan on getting to shitfaced tonight.

"Excuse me..."

Freezing in place, I almost dropped my beer. I turned around, coming face to face with Evan.

"Get the hell outta here!" Sloan slurred angrily.

Evan just walked past her, but before he could reach me, Skye stepped in front of me. Squaring her shoulders. No words were exchanged, but if looks could kill.

"We have to talk eventually Megan." Evan said confidently before walking away.

I sipped on my drink as I watched his retreating figure.

Fuck holding back.

Fuck Evan.

I'm getting shitfaced.


(Skye's POV)

This is exactly why I don't come to things like this. There's always drama.

We've been here for quite a while now, though Sloan already went home with some baseball player.

As for Megan, she's been drinking and dancing, but mostly just drinking. Sloan, even in her drunken state, made me promise to take care of her. She really is a great friend.

So, as promised, I'm sitting in a corner, like a child, watching her. Honestly, I felt like a stalker. But, it felt nice. To just sit here and look at her. Even if it was just to make sure she didn't do anything she'd regret in the morning.

"Skyeeeeeeeeee!!!" Megan slurred as she stumbled over to me. Wrapping her arm around me. "You're very prettyyyy...."

"I think its time to take you home." Taking her arm, I walked her towards the door.

"I don't you wanna go homeeeeeee!" She slurred, pulling away slightly. Giving up once she staggered a bit too much to the left. Had I not of been holding her, she would've fell straight on her face. Maybe falling would sober her up a bit.

Shaking away the thought, I pulled her out of the house, and successfully got her to my car. I placed her gently in the passengers seat, and hopped in. Making sure to drive slowly, trying not to hit the speed bumps. I really didn't wanna clean up any vomit. My car may be shit, but I wanna keep it a nice looking shit.

"I only wannaaa......" Megan started, rolling her head around. "I only wanted to make him happy you know?"

"Megan, you're drunk, just close your eyes and go to sleep. We're almost home." I explained, not really knowing how to handle drunk Megan.

"But I guessssss all he wanted was to score some points with his stupid future frat!" She hollered, pounding her fist on my dash. So Megan was an angry drunk. Or a very aggravated one.

"Its ok Megan. Just go to sleep." Trying my best to soothe her, I reached over with one hand and squeezed her hand. I was about to pull away, but she interlocked her fingers with mine, so I just left it.

"You look so much like my best friend!" Megan proclaimed turning her body fully towards me. "But shhhhhh, don't tell her I said this, but I think you're wayyyyy prettier!"

"Ok Megan, just go to sleep."

"I really need to peeeeeeee......"

"Well, good thing, 'cause we're home." I said, pulling into the driveway.

"You know, I'm very smart!" She said, as I helped her to the door.

"I'm sure you are."

"I'm also very good at keeping secrets." Giggling, she slumped lazily into my shoulder. "Which is why my best fwiennd tells me everything!"

Laughing silently, I just helped her up the stairs. Pulling her towards my room, 'cause I knew damn well Sloan wouldn't be coming home tonight.

"I felt sorry for her you know?" Nodding, I grabbed a shit and some shorts out of my dresser, helping lift her shirt over her head. "She was so jealoussssssss......'cause here's this guy, ya know, spending alllll his time with Skye......."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. She rambles a lot when she's drunk.

"But all along he was violating her! That's so sad, don't you think?" I froze, realizing what she was talking about. Of course Sloan would've told her. She was hurt by it just as I was. Knowing her, she probably would've made her swear not to tell me she told her. And technically she wasn't. She was drunk.

"That is sad. Now let's get you some shut eye." I went to walk away, but her slender hand gripped at my shirt. Pulling me back down. Not wanting to argue with drunk Megan, I laid beside her.

"You smell so much like Skye!" She said, snuggling into my chest. We've been this way before, but now it felt different. Knowing that she knew about Robert. It felt like I was safe.

Because if I had to choose anyone besides Sloan to know my secrets, it would be Megan.

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