Chapter 44

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Sloan's POV

Okay. This is it. My time to make a decision. Time to grow up. It couldn't have been that hard for Megan. I mean she was straight all her life until my sister came along. So, maybe that's how it is for me. Maybe I found the one person who could make me feel so much, that it didn't matter what their sex was. Maybe it was time for me to stop being such a pussy about it. But all the while, I don't want to hurt Chase. But, im not happy with him.

Thats it. No more trying to talk myself out of this. Im doing it, and that is final. But I will be bringing Megan along just in case it doesn't go as planned and I need a support system. Aka, my best friend.

Dragging Megan by her hand out of Skyes room, I purposely ignored her calls of 'what the hell?' And 'what's going on? ' Instead I just walked her out to mu car, told her to get in, and drove off. I know, she must be looking at me like im a pychopath, thinking I've gone crazy, and am about to go on a murdering rampage and decided to drag her along to witness it. But no, sadly that would be easier to do than what I'm actually doing. Considering there's already so many  people I already want to kill.

"Okay, Sloan," Megan started calmly. "What the hell is going on?" I sighed, knowing she wouldn't stop until I've answered her questions.

"I fell for someone." I said.

"You mean Chase right?" She asked, but when I didn't answer, she just nodded her head. "Okay, so you fell for another guy. What's his name?"

I just shook my head and continued driving. Staring at the road, gripping the wheel so tightly. I feel like this is the way she must have felt when she was trying to tell me about her and Skye. A mixture of scared, nervous, and anxious. Only it feels a lot like my heart is beating out of my chest. The pure thought of this all is like a dream to me. I feel like if I pinch mysefl hard enough ill jolt awake and this all eould have been a crazy dream. An illusion. Which, to me, would be pretty sick. My brain and subconscious would have really fucked me over. Because this is the most I've ever felt in my life. So I'm really hoping that this isn't just a dream. That I wasmt imagining things.

"Sloan, come on. Just tell me. What the hell is going on?" Megan asked. Her voice was low but I could tell she was getting impatient. She wanted her answers. I understand that.

"Okay...... it all started a while back. You know. When I first became cheer captain. It was a lot to handle. You know?" I started to at least try to explain the crazyness that has been my life for the past few months. "Long meetings, extra things to organize. Events to plan. Sponsors to sign. Fundraisers to apply for. You know, you would expect for the team to at least try and help with it all, but they didn't. Well, most of them anyways."

"Yeah, I know, you would always ask me to help you with things." Megan said. She was adjusting herself in my passenger seat so she could face me.

"Yeah, I know. Thats what gave me the idea to elect an official co-captain. Like, our coach said we could at the beginning of the season, its just that we never got around to it." I explained, checking the rear-view mirror before glancing at her. "Because before, I thought that I could manage all of it on my own. But then I realized I couldnt."

"Thats when you elected Marci as your co-captain?" Megan asked. She already knew the answer to that. And I feel like she already knows where this is going, she just wants me to say it before she says anything about it.

"Exactly." I continued. "Anyways, we started spending a lot of time together. At first it was different because I didn't really know her. Because she was a tranfer student you know? The team didn't really know her either, but they still voted her in as co-captain." I explained, slowing the car to a stop a few houses down from chases.

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