Trayvon's P.O.V

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I woke up to the sound of screaming. "What the fuck are you talking about, Lizeth?" My step-dad yells. "You know damn well what I'm talking about! Why the fuck does that bitch keep calling my fucking house?!" My mom replies. They're probably arguing over some female that my step- dad is mounting on a regular. It bothers the hell out of me that he cheats on her and she won't leave. I try to tune out the hollering and go to the bathroom. I hop in the shower and then changed into some Levi's, a black T-shirt, and my black Forces. I was hoisting my bag on my shoulder and texting Santos when I heard a crash and a loud scream. I bounded out my room and downstairs to see Damian, my step-dad, slapping my mom multiple times. I pulled him off her and she screamed, "Imma get somebody to fuck you up!" "Mom, leave!" I yell and for once she listens to me. I'm rushed into the wall before I even have enough time recollect my thoughts. Pain soars through my body but my fists collide with Damian's stomach and face over and over. He rushes me again but I catch his leg and flip him off. He falls flat on his back but not before his fist connects with my jaw twice and his ring jabs the bridge of my nose. I kick him as many times before he just gets up and runs out. Bitch nigga!  I slump back against the wall. I pick my bag and keys up and then go out to my car.

*20 minutes later*

I was walking through the double doors of the school trying to keep from crying. I was in so much motherfucking pain. I saw my group of friends standing by our lockers and would you look at that. Kyrie's not here. "Damn! What happened, bae?" Santos asked and yes, I started blushing. And yes, I still liked him. "Long story. Is Kyrie here?" I reply. "Choir room." Azendra and Raven say. I run upstairs but with each step, a new jolt of pain is present. "I want my solo to go to Angela." I heard my best friend state. I opened the door to be stared down by the two girls occupying the room. Kyrie took one look at me and said, "Tell Ms. Zauhar and Ms. Lesher that Kyrie Johnson and Trayvon Wright will not be in class." The girl nods and runs out. "Sit." Kyrie says before going into the bathroom. She comes back out with a wet paper towel and she dabs it all over my face. "Remember that time when we were in 3rd grade and you kept making fun of me 'cause I couldn't climb that tree?" She says mindlessly. This is one of the reasons why I liked Kyrie. When I went through something, she would always bring up memories from our childhood and it brings a smile to my face each and every time. After a few more swipes, the swelling on my jaw went down, there was a band aid across my nose and my lip stopped bleeding. "Want me to ask my dad if he can change the locks on your doors or do you and your mom wanna stay with us for a little while?" Kyrie asks. "My mom can stay. I'm fine at home." "Trayvon Terrence Wright! I'm not letting you stay in that house unprotected!" "Stallion, I ca-." I start to say but I'm cut off. "I don't wanna hear how you can handle yourself. You're my best friend and I don't wanna see you or your family hurt. So, you're either getting clothes for you and your mom or you're getting the locks changed. What's it gonna be?" She says. I groan. "You're so pushy sometimes." "Is your next statement leading up to you living with me?" "Yea." "Yes!" She yells and hugs me. "Oh and I need your point of view on something." Kyrie says. "What?" "Ok. So I bought these necklaces for me and Cole's anniversary. Do they look alright?" She says and goes into her bag and pulls out a black velvet box. Inside, there was a gold and silver heart. They broke apart and one said 'I love you' and the other said 'Forever and a day'. "Where did you get these?" I ask. "I ordered them the day after our second anniversary." "They're bomb! He's gonna love it." I said. She smiled but there was some sort of hesitation in her eyes. "Kyrie?"

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