Split Chapter! (Kyrie/Cole)

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Kyrie's P.O.V

"Levantarse, hermosa." Somebody says. 'Are we a Spanish speaking household now?' I think to myself as I roll over. Dre is sitting there with Vonnie in his lap. "Buenas días, hermana." He says. "Buenos días, hermano." I reply and get outta bed. I take Vonnie out his arms and start walking out the room. "Make my bed up whenever you're done using it." I say before closing the door. Dre only comes over early in the morning to take over my bed. Ass! "Vonnie, you came to see me." I asked my nephew as we walked into the bathroom. He nodded and giggled while I brushed my teeth.  "Yo husband on the phone!" Dre yells. "Bring me the phone!" I yell back and roll my eyes. "Your daddy be acting slow. But shh. Keep it between us." I say to Vonnie and pinch his cheek as Dre brings me my phone. "Bump nigga." He says as he walks out. I shake my head before saying, "Hello?" "Hey there, person of divine beauty." Cole says and I Bol. "Hey, person of divine swag." I reply. "Rude! I get swag?" Cole says with a chuckle. "My bad. I was trying to stay on the divine part of this morning's greeting." I say. I pick Vonnie up and walk him down to Tray's room. He is technically uncle Tray. "Vonnie! My nigga!" Trayvon says. I leave them alone and go to my room to get dressed. "Bae, you wanna match today?" I ask Cole as I look through my closet. "Tan and purple?" He asks. "Yes! Excuse to wear my hoodie." I reply and we laugh. "Well, I'm finna get ready. I'll see you at school. Love you." He says. "Love you too." I respond and hang up. I grab my cargo skinny jeans, black and purple Vans and the hoodie I got for my anniversary. "Dre, you'll put a fishtail on one side of my hair?" I ask once I come out from changing. "Ask mom." He replies. "She's still sleep." I say and plop between his legs and hand him the comb and brush. He sighs but nonetheless, my big bro starts on my hair. I smile. As a kid, Dre used to always finish my hair. My mom would start then take a break and when she came back, my hair would be done. This brings back memories. "I love you, fuck face." He says when he finishes. "Well, I don't know if that's really love, jackass. Haha. Love you too, fucker." I said and got up. I was looking in the mirror. The fishtail was so damn pretty! I want my brother to open a salon so bad. Anyway, I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone, bag and keys. I kiss Dre and Vonnie on their cheeks before walking over to Trayvon who was waiting impatiently at the door for me. We run out the house and to my car. "Santos asked me out last night." He says as we're driving to school. "And you didn't tell me?" "You were sleep. By the way, you talk in your sleep." Tray replies and starts laughing. Oh fuck! "What did I say?" I ask dreading his answer. "You said 'if you wanted me to do it harder, you just could've asked.' Then you said 'Then do it.' And then you moaned." Tray says and breaks out into full blown laughter. Shit! I was dreaming about me and Cole at my brother's house. "It's not what you think." I say and try to keep myself from laughing cause I'm pretty sure it was hilarious. "Be honest. Was y'all fucking?" He asks. "No!!!!!" I yell and now we're both rolling. I pull into the parking lot and we get out still in fits of laughter. That stops when we see Santos and Cole. We turn around and say, "Goddamn!" and we laugh again, trying to get serious. But when your boyfriend is dressed like a fucking God, it's pretty hard. We turn back around and start walking towards them. Tray looks at me and I nod. We created this thing called 'Foul Play' and all you do is not acknowledge your crush or spouse. If they want you, they'll come get you. But Trayvon is way better at it than me. I'm trying to ignore Cole but his shirt is practically painted on his body and showing every... fucking... muscle. Y'all don't understand. I'm weak! We speed past Chresanto and Cole. I hear one of them say, "The fuck was that?" We get in the school and say, "Scandaleux!" Which means scandalous in French. "Y'all are such teases." I hear and feel arms slide around my waist. My body involuntarily relaxes and slouches back into Cole's arms. "It was Stallion's idea." Tray says. "Fucking sell out!" I say and we laugh. "Raven and Azendra said that they won't be here until 4th or 5th period." Santos said, answering the question I had in my head. "Well, trade off time. Come on, Santos." I said and kissed Cole's cheek. I had to wait for Trayvon and his boyfriend to stop sucking faces. "If y'all don't hurry the fuck up!" Cole says. They pull away and blush. I grab Santos's hand and pull him down to Ms. Zauhar's class. "Y'all some niglets." I say as we slide in our seats. "Aye, but we sexy thoo." He replies.

Cole's P.O.V

*4th period*

"Jackson! Woodberry! Wright! James! And Brooks! Team one!" Mr. Thomas yells. We were in gym and our coach was putting us in teams. In the upper gym, Kyrie, Azendra and Raven were with their class. "Come on! We go against Dante's team." Tray says. I nod and jog over. This dude named Truce is straight mean mugging me. I don't even know this nigga like that. Fuck wrong with him? That leaves my mind when the basketball is thrown at chest and I start running down the court.

*35 minutes later *

Me and all the boys were sitting on the bleachers watching the girls run their laps. Then most of the girls stop running and spread around the gym. Raven and Kyrie are still running. I wonder why. Coach Thomas tells us that the rest of class is a free day. So me, Tray, Santos and Dante go to the upper gym to throw Raven and Kyrie off while they're running. We all lean against the wall and Dante yells, "Drop them draws!" And Raven almost trips while Kyrie laughs. Their coach, Ms. Goutier yells, "Johnson! Run faster!" Kyrie stops and says, "How about you get the fuck out here and run with us. Always pushing somebody to run faster." "Johnson! You don't use that language!" "I use whatever language I want so kiss my motherfucking ass!" She says and then runs past us and out the gym. I'm right behind her. "Kyrie!" I yell as we pound down the hallway. She bends a corner abruptly and I almost fall trying to catch her. Shocking as it might be to all, my baby is pushing it. I lose her when she bends another corner. I'm breathing hard as hell so I stop and walk down the halls. I don't see her anywhere but when I get to the top floor, I hear sniffling. I look around before seeing Kyrie sitting in front of some lockers. I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. She scoots closer to me. "Why did you run out?" I ask. "Cause I'm not finna stay in there and let Ms. Goutier embarrass me." "What do you mean?" "It's no secret that I'm big so her OVERLY big ass makes me run almost twice the laps as we usually run. Bitch ass motherfucker. I hate when people do that dumb shit!" She says and wipes her face. "Can I tell you something?" "Yea." She responds and leans on my shoulder. "I'd be pissed if you changed your appearance. I know you might wanna lose weight but I really like you the way you are." I say and kiss her forehead. "Why do I feel like we're always a Facebook quote? Hahaha. But thanks, Cole." " You're welcome. But the bell finna ring, ma. Let's go." I say and help her up. We walk hand in hand towards the gym. "Damn! Baby got ass for days!" Truce says when we walk in and I'm ready to break his fucking neck. "Cole. He's just trying to fuck with you. Don't pay him any attention." Kyrie says and kisses my cheek before running to the locker room. "Don't sweat, bro. Truce has been a dick since we were 3rd graders." Tray says and slaps my shoulder as we walk to our locker room. "Aye, Jackson! Let your girl spend a night with me. She'll come back teaching you shit!" Truce says and I almost had him in a fucking headlock but Santos caught me. I'm fighting to get out his grip but somebody else grabs my arm. "Let me fuck him up one time! I swear that's all I need!" I yell. I see Truce's face change as I continue to try and break free to whoop his ass! "It's not worth it." Dante says. "This fucker keeps talking about my girlfriend. Believe me, this shit is worth it!" I say and I'm back at it. Chresanto and Trayvon have to drag me out the locker room. I'm struggling my ass off when Santos says, "Look at your girlfriend." I turn my head and see her walking towards me along with Zeny and Raven. "What the hell is going on? Why y'all holding him down." Azendra asks. "Truce keeps making snide remarks about Kyrie and Cole is ready to wreak havoc." Tray says. "Let me go." I say and snatch away from their grips. "I'm gonna leave. I'll call you after school. Bye, love." I say and then walk off.  I vaguely hear Raven ask Kyrie, "You're gonna let him leave?" "My baby needs time." Kyrie replies. I smile to myself. She knows me so well.

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