Kyrie's P.O.V

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"Oh my God! Cole?" Somebody says while we're sitting in lunch. We all turn around and this girl is standing there. I haven't seen her before but she obviously knows Cole. Now, many females might get jealous immediately about their man being cool with another female. I don't. In all honesty, I can't. I mean, Cole had to adjust to males hanging around me. "Hey, Joanie." Cole said and Raven and Zeny started rolling. I shot them a glare. "I can't believe you're here. It's been forever." She says and he nods and smiles before saying, "My bad. These are my friends. Azendra, Raven, Chresanto, Trayvon and my girlfriend, Kyrie." We wave at her and she waves back then says, "I have to go but it was nice to meet all of you and good to see you again Cole." And then walks off. "Where you know her from?" Raven asks with hostility in her voice. "Oh, she's the little sister of my brother's ex-girlfriend." Cole responds. We all nod and continue to eat lunch.

*End of the day *

I was standing by the back entrance waiting for my friends when I saw Joanie. I waved to her and when she saw me, she walked over but her face was contorted. "Hey, girl." I said. "Shut the fuck up with your overly happy ass." She responds and I'm lost. "Excuse me." I said, feeling myself get angry. "You heard me. Being all fucking friendly." "So is that a fucking crime now? I was just being nice." I say. "Well, to clear the air. I don't fucking like you. In fact, I hate your guts. You have what should be mine." She says and I was finna ask what she meant when it dawned on me. "Wait! You don't like me because I'm with Cole? Bitch, do you know how stupid you sound?" "Whatever. Keep this in mind, fat one. Cole will be mine. He will love me. I will have everything you have. Or had, I should say. Oh and watch your back." Joanie says and walks away. I'm officially seething. I've never been a fighter but I will wreak havoc on a motherfucker's ass and right now, I'm ready to rip that bitch's spline out. A few minutes later, everybody comes walking up. I was sitting on the bench bouncing my leg out of pure anger. That female really has me twisted. She MUST not know who I am. I'm not all timid as many may think. "Bae?...Bae!" Cole yells and I look up. "Huh?" I reply. "You good?" He asks. "Uh, yea. Um, me and Cole are going to the store. Y'all can go to the house. And Cole, me and you need to talk." I said and pulled him out the building and to my car. "What's up, sweetie?" he asks. "Did you used to date Joanie?" I ask. He bursts out laughing. I mean like bent over laughing. "No. What the hell made you ask that?" He says once he calms down. "That hoe doesn't like me because she likes you." "What?" "She said that I have what should be hers and you'll love her and all that. Baby, you don't understand how fucking bad I wanted to choke her out. I swear, Jesus was holding me back." I said and he pulled me into a hug. "Even if she does like me, I'm yours and I'm here to stay." He says and kisses the top of my head. I nod and we get into our separate cars. I follow him back to his house to drop his car off and pick up Kel.

*2 hours later*

"Doritos, ice cream, pizza rolls, candy, donuts, cookies, and gum! And don't touch my gum, fucker." I say as me and Cole walk out the store. "What if you touch it then I touch it." He responds. I look at him for a minute before realizing what he meant. "Nasty ahh, man!" I say through laughs. We get in the car and drive back to my house. When we get in, Zeny and Raven are on the couch looking at their phones. Santos and Tray are cuddled on the loveseat and Kel just looks like a loner at the kitchen table. "So, anybody want a taco salad?" I say. "Hell fuck yea!" "You already know." "Hook that shit up!" " My sis finna kill it!" "I thought you'd never ask." "What is a taco salad?" I laugh and grab all my ingredients. As I'm cooking, everybody comes and eats ALL MY VANILLA ICE CREAM!! I knew I should've got 2 cartons. Them mofos should've eaten the damn butter pecan, chocolate or rocky road! I don't care just not my vanilla. "Stallion." Cole says and I turn my head. He has a spoonful of ice cream and he nudges it against my lips. I open my mouth and I swear I made an orgasmic moan when I taste the ice cream. What? That's my shit! "Damn, Cole! Got her moaning like that?" Kel says and you already know he caught the bird.

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