Kyrie's P.O.V

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We really could've stayed outta school until Monday but nooo. Bitches. I woke up with a headache and my stomach hurting. "Thea." Tray says as he walks into my room. "What's up?" "Edge of town after school." "Ok." I say and get dressed. I put on 2 pairs of jogging pants, my Timbs and a hoodie.  My hair was up in a ponytail. I'm real bummy today. "Tray, are you riding with Santiago?" I ask as I come downstairs. "Yea." He replies and I nod. I throw my car keys into Dre's lap and walk outside. My head is pounding. As I sit in the passenger's seat, my phone rings. "Hello, beautiful." Cole says. "Hey, handsome. What's up?" "Nothing. I just wanted to hear your voice." "Haha. Ok. If we take notes in any class after first period, can I copy them?" "Yea, I got you." "Thanks. I'm finna leave. I'll see you at school. Bye, boo." "Bye, sweetheart." Cole says and hangs up. "Pick me up after school and I'll drop you off back at the house." I say and Dre nods.

*5th period*

I've been trying so hard not to cry but the pain I'm experiencing is unbearable. I can hear a bunch of whispering and snickering behind me. Zeny gets fed up and says, "If these bitches don't shut the fuck up!" I chuckle and nod my head in agreement. Someone kicks my chair and I turn around. It's a group of girls that run with Joanie. Don't know why but they do. "You got a problem?" One of them asks and I just turn around. I'm too motherfucking sick to deal with these bitches. Like 10 minutes go by and these hoes keep kicking my chair. "Yo, you ain't gone do nothing?" Ray asks. "Look at me. If I get up and put my hands on one of them, shit is gonna get so fucking real it ain't even funny." I say and lay my head back down. "Sweet thing, you aight?" Cole asks as he sits next to me. "No." I reply and he wraps his arms around me. "I don't know why someone as fine as him would go out with a sloppy bitch like her." One of the girls say. That kinda stung. "Try to ignore them, ma." Cole says and kisses my head. "He only with her cause she buy him shit." "I heard that he only with her cause she gave him head at the mall." The girls continue talking. A tear falls from my eye. "Don't listen to that. You know you didn't do any of it." Cole says and I nod. But I'm not really sad ... I'm pissed the fuck off! Females are so damn messy and because these thot ass bitches behind me are getting caught sucking dick for a motherfucking cheeto, they assume everyone else is. "She probably don't even work. She just fucks the manager." I hear and lose my mind! I jump up and say, "Let's get one thing straight. I don't suck dick and I don't fuck. Unlike you basic ass females. You see my shoes? $350, straight from New York. My watch? $200 and it was on sale. I know you hating ass bitches done seen my car. I paid that bitch off by myself. My necklaces? $700. Courtesy of my boyfriend. My fucking job? I've been working there for 2 years, I have volunteer hours, I'm eligible for 10 different scholarships in 6 different states and I make more money in a week than you bitches will see in a decade. You bald head, illiterate, pussy popping, loving the crew, bust it ass bitches! You don't know shit about me so keep my fucking name out your mouth." I say and start to turn back around but not before saying, "Oh and yea, I'm fat. Far from sloppy though. And you know what? Someone as fine as him loves it all. Y'all are a third of my size. I wonder why no one as fine as him finds it attractive." I say and walk out the classroom. I'm suspended. I already know. "Yo! Novia!" Cole calls as he runs down the hallway. "That was bad." He says as he pushes me against the wall. "Haha. Thanks." I reply and he smashes his lips against mine. I let him. The plushness of his lips is too much to resist.

*End of the day*

Everyone was about to walk out the school when someone yells my boyfriend's name. "Candace said to tell Kel to hit her up." Joanie says. I look towards Zeny and see her nostrils flaring. I hate to say it cause Kel is Cole's brother, but he is definitely not worthy of having Azendra. "He'll get that message." Cole says and backs away from her. "Cole! You jerk!" Zeny yells. "Like I was really gonna tell him that." Novio responds and we all laugh. "Me and sis finna slide." Tray says and ushers me outside. "Wait! I can't get a kiss from my Novia?" Cole says and I walk over and peck his lips. "Call me if you need me." I say and he nods. Then! I have to practically untangle Tresanto from each other. "Black ass kid." I say as I push Tray out the door.

*8:00 p.m.*

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" I ask Terrence as we sit on the roof of my car and look at the city. "So I was talking to Cole last night. And he was telling me about what y'all were talking about at the park." "Ok." "I wanna know why you won't let anyone care for you the way you care for us." He says. "I guess I'm just used to being the one who keeps everything together." "Even the strongest people need a break." "I can't afford to take a break. If I slack off for one minute, shit gets hectic. I have to make sure everything is going smoothly." "You can't control everything, Kyrie." Tray says and I look at him. I don't remember the last time he said my real name. "I know that, Tray. But I'm gonna do everything in my power to at least prevent some things." I say. "Kit-Kat, when was the last time you looked in the mirror? I mean really looked and saw the person inside?" He asks and I have to think about it. "I guess its been a few years." "Exactly. Because you don't focus on yourself enough. You take care of the family like we are your children. I'm not knocking you cause I admire what you do. But let someone completely care for you. Let Cole do everything for you. Let him spoil you, cater to you and love you more than he ever has. Thea, let me keep you optimistic. Let me drop everything and chill with you. Let me be the brother that I used to be. The one who can tell how you feel before you even speak. You said that you'd never let anyone come between us. But the only person doing that ... is you." He says and I let his words sink in. The tears were evident and I couldn't hold them back. I've spent the better part of 6 years building this wall around me. Making it harder for my loved ones to love me. A part of me wants to let it fall but another part wants to keep it up. Just so I know that I have that security. I close my eyes and picture everything I've been through. The lies, the betrayal, the starting over, the invisibility, the hurt. Then it's the laughs, the jokes, the good times, the love, my family. My parents and their will to go on. My aunt and her ability to survive everything. Cole and his ability to give love. Even though he never had it. Raven and her mindset. Perseverance to keep searching for what she wants. Zeny and her ability to keep getting attached to people even though they leave way too early. Chresanto for not being ashamed of where he comes from. Trayvon for staying by me through everything. Listening when I had no one. And keeping me focused. These people are the ones I live for. "Thea ... Thea ... Kyrie!" Tray yells. "Hmm?" "Say something." "I won't stop doing what I do for y'all. Because it's all I know." "You gonna let us care for you a little?" " Maybe." I say and pull him into a hug. "Thank you, Bubba." "You're welcome. Now we should go back home." "Tell my mom that I'm staying with Cole tonight and I'm not going to school tomorrow." "Aight."

*3.5 hours later*

"Hello?" Cole says. This young man is wide awake! "Can I come over?" "Yea." "Good because I'm outside." I say and he laughs. "I'll be down in a minute." And then he hangs up. I pull the strings of my hoodie so I can get a little warmer. I should've wore a coat. It's windy as hell tonight. "Get in here." Cole says as he opens the door and pulls me inside. He drags me up to the guest room, wraps me in a blanket and then drags me back down to the kitchen. "Hot chocolate or tea?" "Hot chocolate." "Butterfinger or regular?" "Butterfinger." I say and he nods. "You staying the night with me?" He asks and I nod. Cole slides his arms around me and kisses my cheeks. "We're sleeping in the guest room tonight." He says as he hands me hot chocolate. HOT CHOCOLATE! HOT CHOCOLATE! HOT CHOCOLATE! Sorry, y'all but hot chocolate is the best. "Why?" "I'm working on a drawing and my room is completely trashed. So I'm probably gonna be here for the next week or so." "Ok." I reply and sip out my cup. He holds out his hand and I take it before walking upstairs with him. As we sit in the middle of the bed, Cole pinches my cheeks. "Mr. Jackson, my cheeks are not made for your entertainment." "Quite frankly, Ms. Johnson, I don't care." He says and we bust out laughing. "So it's like midnight and I'm really tired." I say and he unwraps the blanket, gets in, and wraps it back up. "I love you, pookie." I say and he laughs. "You going too far with the nicknames." "Haha. Nah, I'm just playing. But love you, Novio." "Love you too, sweet thing." He says and kisses me before I close my eyes and get as close to him as possible. Tray was right. Letting someone care for you feels good.

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