Trayvon's P. O. V (Part 2)

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It's been a week since my mom went into the hospital and I haven't left the house. There hasn't been any new information on her condition and I keep switching between anger at Damian and hoping he's dead to sadness and distress over my mom and hoping she's gonna get better. "Bubba, I'm home." Kyrie yells. She and her family have been here for me and I'm super grateful! I've been a mess and they try to keep me somewhat sane and in the world. I get out my bed and walk downstairs. "We just have Biology homework and it's easy." Kyrie says as she sits down. I nod and get to work. "Still no word from the hospital yet?" She asks and I shake my head. We let out giant sighs. Mom being in the hospital has taken a toll on everyone. We've all been walking around with puffy eyes and every time we blink, it looks like we're about to cry again. "I miss her so much, Thea. It's getting harder and harder to deal with this as the days go on with no update on her." I blurt out. "I know. But try to stay optimistic. You know that's what your mom would have wanted. She means as much to us as she does to you." Kyrie replies and I nod just as my phone rings. "Hello?" "Trayvon Wright?" "Yes?" "We have some news on your mother's condition. Do you mind coming down to the hospital?" "N-No. Not at all. I'm on my way. Thank you." I say and hang up. "We need to go." I said and grabbed Kyrie's hand, pulling her out to my car.

*20 minutes later*

"I'm here about Lizeth Wright." I say to receptionist. "Of course. Let me page Dr. Sullivan. Please take a seat." The lady responds and we walk to the waiting room. "Good news or bad news?" I ask. "Good, hopefully." Kyrie says. We sit there for another 10 minutes before someone says,  "Mr. Wright?" Me and Kyrie stand up and walk over to him. "Yes?" "Your mother is going to pull through. We've managed to stop the bleeding and save a lot of blood. Her bruises are all bandaged and healing as well as her ribs. She should be able to leave in the next few days. If you'd like, you can go see her." Dr. Sullivan says and I squeeze my sister's hand. "304." The doctor says as he opens the door. We run down the hall and into the room. "Mama?" I ask, tears of joy pricking my eyes. "Terry!" She says and holds her arms out. I run over and dive into them. I've missed this feeling. I honestly thought that I'd never hear my mom's voice or feel her touch again. "Come here, Jay." My mom says and Kyrie comes over and hugs us both. This is probably the happiest moment of my life. "How you feel, mom?" I ask. "A little sore but other than that, I'm fine. How has everyone been holding up?" "It's been tough. But we made it through." Kyrie says. "Good. You've been going to school, right?" "No, ma'am. But I still have good grades." I say and she nods. "Better."

*An hour later*

"Kids, it's almost time to go. Gotta give Ms. Wright her meds." A nurse says. "5 more minutes." My mom says and the nurse nods. "Let everyone know that I'm ok. But before you leave, I wanna hear my vocalists sing." She says. "What song?" "Something old. Chaka Khan, The Temptations, The Isley Brothers. You pick." She says. "I look in your eyes and I can see we've loved so dangerously. You're not trusting your heart to anyone. You tell me you're gonna play it smart. We're through before we start. But I believe we've only just begun. When it's this good, there's no saying no. I want you, so I'm ready to go." I belt out the first verse to 'Through the Fire' by Chaka Khan and follows up with the chorus. "Through the fire. To the limit to the wall. For the chance to be with you, I'd gladly risk it all. Through the fire. Through whatever come what may.  For a chance at loving you, I'd take it all away. Right down to the wire. Even through the fire." She sings. My mom claps and pulls us into another hug. "Come visit me, now." She says and kisses our cheeks. "We will." Kyrie and I reply before walking out the room. "Feeling better?" Thea asks. "Yea. I missed her." "I could tell Told you it'd be fine." She says and pokes my cheek as we get in the car and drive back home. Today was a good day.

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