Trayvon's P. O. V

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"... and she's not answering her phone." As the words left Kyrie's mouth, panic started to set in. My mom ALWAYS answers her phone. She makes sure that it NEVER goes dead. "Thea, we have to go over there." I say. "I'm right behind you. Cole, can you take us?" "Yea. Let's go." He says and we all run out the house.

*45 minutes later*

I threw myself out the car and practically broke the door down. "Mom!" "Auntie!" Me and Kyrie yell. Nothing. Then there's a strangled cry coming upstairs. We run up to my mom's room. I throw the door open and I see Damian hovering over my mom with his fist raised in mid-air. "What the fuck are you doing?" I yell and rush him. "It's not what it looks like." Damian says. "Bullshit! Didn't I already fuck you up once?! Haven't you learned your lesson?!" And before he could respond, my fist is connecting with his jaw. I was blinded by fury and my punches were filled with pure anger!!!! "Tray, stop!" "Enough!" "I think he learned his lesson!" "Stop it, baby!" I hear the voices but I can't stop. "Terrence!" Two very distinctive voices boom. My punches slow as I look behind me. Kyrie is holding my mom and a pang of guilt swells up in my gut. "That's enough, honey." My mom says and manages to smile. "We need to get her to a hospital. She's severely hurt." Kyrie says and I nod. I walk over and scoop my mom up and carry her out to the car. "We'll meet you guys there." Thea says as she and Cole run to his car. Me, Santos and my mom pile into Santos' and drive off. I try to clean my mom up as much as possible but the tears are making it hard. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I mumble as I hug her. "It's ok, baby. Mama's gonna be alright." She chokes out, voice hoarse.

*20 minutes later*

"Can someone please help my mother?!" I yell as I carry my mom into the hospital. "You need to fill out this information first." A receptionist says. "Look at her! Can I do that after she's been checked?!" I scream, tears forming again. "Sir, you ne-." "Don't fucking tell me what I need to do! I need you motherfuckers to do your job and help my damn mother! Please!" I yell. I look down at her and see that her eyes are closing. "No, no, no! Mom! Stay awake! You have to. Come on! Mama!" I say and lightly slap her but her eyes still shut. "Help us!" Santos yells and finally someone comes out with a gurney and takes her to a room just as Kyrie, Cole and Kyrie's brother and parents come. I run into my aunt's arms and sob. "Shh! It's gonna be ok. She'll be fine." Aunt Nette says and kisses my forehead. "We'll fill out the papers." She says and then Kyrie takes me into her arms. We sit down and she rocks us back and forth, humming. I feel her tears fall onto my hand. "She'll be ok. I promise she will. She has to." Kyrie whispers. Another set of arms wrap around me and I cry harder.

*3 hours later*

"Wright family!" The doctor calls and we all stand up. "Ms. Wright is in critical condition. A few broken ribs, gashes and cuts, and a lot of blood lost. We're not sure if she's going to make it or not. We'll keep you posted." He says. "When can we see her?" I ask. "Come back in a couple days." The doctor says and my heart drops. "Please send her our love." My uncle says (Kyrie's dad). The doctor nods and walks away. I start crying again. "Dre, make sure the kids make it home safely. Your father and I are gonna stay here." Auntie Nette says as she kisses all of us on the forehead. We walk out, me leaning against Kyrie. "You guys can go home. Me and Tray are going back to my house." Kyrie says but I get pulled away from Thea and to the other side of the double doors. "Call me if you need anything. And try to keep me posted on your mom. I'll call you later." Santos says and kisses me. It was slow and passionate and I couldn't help that I was crying again. He wipes my tears and kisses me one more time. We walk over to Thea and Cole. He pulls me into a hug. "Stay strong, Tray. I know it's easier said than done." Cole says and I nod. Me and Kyrie are finally able to leave. We get in the car and she starts driving. "Edge of the city?" She asks and I nod.

*3 hours later*

"God, send me an angel from the heavens above." I sang dryly as we sat on the gravel road. "Kyrie, I've never cried so much." I say and she motions for me to come to her. She embraces me in a hug. "It'll be fine. Aunt Zeth is a soldier. She can make it through this." She says and I nod as a fresh stream of tears starts to fall. She hums quietly and rocks us. I hope my mom makes it, man.

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