Cole's P.O.V

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"Cole, we gotta go." Kyrie says. I ignore her as I place kisses all across her neck. "Not now, baby." I say. "I have to cook." She says and my head snaps up. "You cooking, tonight?" "Yea." "Let's get the fuck outta here." I say and climb back into the driver's seat. Kyrie is in the background rolling. "Hungry ahh!" She says. "Whatever, niggah!" I say as we drive off.

*An hour later*

"I'll be back in a minute. I gotta grab some stuff from the house." I say as we pull up in front of Kyrie's house. She nods and kisses my cheek and gets out. I drive back to my house and run up to my room. I grab my notebook and cross off Childhood. I then grab an outfit for school, my shoes, hygiene products and some pajamas before going to the shower.

*45 minutes later*

"Uhh! Can somebody get these dogs?" I say. I was attacked by at least 9 puppies. I had totally forgot about them being here. Tray, Ray and Santos came and grabbed them. "Thanks, y'all." I say and go into the kitchen. "Mama!" I say when I see Mrs. Williams. Kyrie never told me if she talked to them so I'm taking a chance. "Hey, son. Can you hand me that cup of milk?" She responds and I hand the milk over. "So what are my two favorite ladies cooking?" I ask. "Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, candied yams and sweet peas." Kyrie says and I nod and kiss their cheeks before walking into the living room. "Cole, you tryna get down on this Mortal Kombat?" Santos asks. "Yea. Let me murder you niggahs, real quick." I say and plop down on the floor.

*30 minutes later*

"Yes! You can't see me." I say. "Aight, John Cena." Tray says and we laugh. "I got next." I hear and turn around. Kyrie stood there, smiling. "Uh huh! I'm not playing against you." I say and she laughs. "Aww, come on, babe. Maybe you'll beat me this time." She says and I think 'Bullshit!' "Yea. Show this little niggah who's a real thug." Tray says and she grabs the controller out of his hand. She chose Sonya and I picked Liu Kang. "Before we start, I love you." Kyrie says. "Why you say that?" "I'm finna kick yo ass." She says just as the screen finishes the loading process. 'Flawless Victory!' The narrator guy says. Niggahs! Kyrie's character doesn't have a scratch on her. I got no hits. "I'm gone win round 2." I say and she rolls her eyes before we start fighting. Yea ... still didn't win. But I put up a good fight. "Still love you, Novio." Kyrie says as she walks back to the kitchen. "Don't worry, son. Antoinette is the exact same. All violent and dominant." Mr. Williams says. "I heard that shit!" "It was a compliment, motherfucker." Mr. Williams responds and the house erupts into laughter. "Come eat." Raven says and we go to the kitchen. "What happened to Kel and Azendra?" Mr. Williams asks. "Out to eat or something." I reply. "Hope they ass catch food poisoning." Mrs. Williams says. "Mom!" "What?" "Never mind." Kyrie says while shaking her head and laughing. "Cole, come upstairs when you get your plate." Novia says and I nod. A few minutes later, I'm opening Kyrie's door to see a most of the puppies running around. She was holding 2 of them when she said, "Novio, meet Thug and Passion." They were full-bred German Shepherds. Thug had a dark patch of fur around his eye and Passion was a little lighter than the color brown. "They're gonna be some G's when they get older." I say as I take them out her arms. "Hahaha. True. Doesn't help that we used names from possibly the most violent rapper we know." She says and we laugh. I sit on the bed as she puts on the puppies' collars and nametags. "Black-pawed one is Makaveli who was originally Thug. All black one is Mansion. One with the nub for a tail is Lil. The one who looks like Makaveli is Homie. And those are mine. Then these 2 light brown ones are Tray and Santos'. Named Sleep and Xxplosive." "We need to stop listening to old school rap." "But it bangs." She says and opens the door so they can run out. "My dad still has to sell the other four. And our garage is no more. 4 dog cages and a bunch of dog food." Kyrie says and plops back onto her bed. I laugh and we sit there talking. "What happened here?" I ask as I move to the bed and trace a scar on her leg. "Hmm? Oh. Tire burn." "How?" "A few years back, my mom had bucked me on a bike to the store. We went down this steep ass hill and I guess my leg was too close to the tire and it just rubbed the skin." "Did it hurt?" "Nah. I didn't even notice until we got home." She replies just as there's a knock on the door. "Come in." "Hey, y'all." Dre says and sits in the recliner. "What's up?" We reply. "Nothing. It's such a beautiful night, isn't it? Stars are coming out. Moon is bright." He says and we look at him like he's crazy. "Who is she?" Kyrie asks. "What?" "Who is this girl? The only time you start talking about the sun and stars and moon is when you meet a girl. So, name, address and job." "I was hoping you grew out of that but noo. Anyway, her name is Ant'Quivea." "Does she go by Quivey?" Kyrie asks and Dre nods. "I'm saying this because I love you. You can't turn her into a wife." Novia says. "Why you say that?" "Where does she work?" "She doesn't." "What was Paulina doing when y'all together?" "Going to college, working at the college and working at Sears." "What were you doing when y'all was together?" "Same." "See where I'm going with this? Dre, you have 2 kids that you gotta take care of. You can't take care of a broke ass motherfucker too!" Kyrie says and he and I laugh. "But on the real. You have high standards and she doesn't qualify." "Aight. Thanks, Krissy." Dre says and kisses her cheek and daps me. "Now leave me alone with my Novio." Kyrie says and shoos him out the room. She pulls me to her and doesn't even say anything. Just looks at me and runs her fingers across my face. "I'm cutting your hair tomorrow." She whispers before burying her face in my neck and tangling herself up with me. I nod and kiss her forehead. I love this girl so much!

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