Cole's P.O.V

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"Short ass!" "Tall ass!" "Cute ass!" "Fine ass!" "Sexy ass." "Hot ass!" "Gorgeous ass!" "Handsome ass!" "Smart ass!" "Funny ass!" "Dramatic ass!" "Creep ass!" "How am I creep?" I ask and Kyrie laughs. "I don't know. I thought we were doing insults." She responds and I laugh. "Hahahahaha. If we were, you're a jerk." "I know." Kyrie says and I pull her closer so I can kiss her. "Hmm." She hums against my lips. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I reluctantly pull away from Kyrie and answer it. "Hello?" "Y'all need to come on. We're waiting." Mrs. Williams says. "Ok. We're on our way." I say and hang up. "Come on." I say and grab Kyrie's hand. We walk out the house and into our separate cars.

*25 minutes later*

"Mom! We're here!" Kyrie yells. "Bout damn time." Mr. Williams says as we slide into our seats. We bow our heads and say grace before piling our plates. "Cole!" Someone yells. "My mom wants you." Tray says. "And bring her this plate of food." Mrs. Williams says as she comes out the kitchen. I nod and take it out her hands before walking upstairs. I knock lightly on Ms. Wright's door. "Yes, ma'am?" I say as I set her food on a tray on the nightstand. "Pull that chair over and sit down." She says and I do as told. "How are you and my niece?" She asks. "We made up." "Hm. That's good. But I have a little problem with you." She says and looks directly at me. "Why?" "How you acted towards Jay pissed me off. You're her first love and your actions crushed her." "I know and I feel horrible about it. But do you know how it feels to trust someone and end up hurt every single time?" I ask as tears start to form. This is like the 9th talk I've had about the Facebook situation in a week. Ms. Wright lifts my head and says, "I've had my fair share. And I've had to learn the hard way. But you got off easy. My niece loves you to pieces and she's forgiving. I see the way you guys interact. You're both healing and helping each other. But if you want this to work, you're gonna need to be just a little more open. I know for a fact that you know more about Kyrie than she knows about you. Not good." "I don't know how to do that. The only reason I know more about her is because I ask. She doesn't." I say and wipe my eyes. "Then encourage her. Or just tell her. It's not gonna be easy but you have to try." Ms. Wright says and I nod. She kisses my forehead. "I know you thought I didn't like you but you're family now. Remember that." She nods and I pull myself together before walking out and back to the kitchen. "Novia, lemme holla." I say as I lean against the wall. Kyrie gets up and follows me to the end of the hallway. I grab her face and place my lips against hers and kiss her with as much passion and love I could muster up. She freezes in shock before kissing back. "I love you. I love you so much. If I act funny or anything, I want you to know that it's not because of you. It's me battling my own demons. But I don't want you to leave me to fight alone. And that's why I'm telling you this. I need you with me. Every step of the way." "I love you too. What made you say this?" "You're aunt made me realize a bunch of things and I need to express those things to you. So get ready for a lot of confessions. Can you handle me?" I say and run my fingers through her hair. Kyrie nods and hugs me. She jumps up to kiss my forehead and then we walk back to the table. Everyone gives us knowing looks but we choose ignore them.

*An hour later*

"Not tonight, Stallion. But I'll come spend the night with you tomorrow. I promise." I say as Kyrie gives me a pouty face. "Ok. Don't forget we have that choir contest after school tomorrow." "I won't. I love you." I say and bring her into me. "Mm. I love you too." She responds and kisses me quickly. "Bye, everybody!" I yell as I leave the house. "Bye, Cole!" They reply. I get in my car and sit there for a minute. Ms. Wright's words sat in my head and I came up with a plan.

*2 hours later*

I sat in my room listening to 'Still D. R. E.' by Dr. Dre. I was writing down a list of events that Kyrie doesn't know about. Until this list is finished, I will be telling her about them. I think this will help me more than anything. I'll get everything off my chest and to someone I love. Knock, knock. "Come in." I say as someone knocks on my door. "What are you doing?" Kel asks. "Nothing. What's up?" I ask while never lifting my head. "Nothing. How's you and my sis?" "Great!" "Good. You better not fuck up!" He says. "Me? You better not fuck up. If you break Azendra's heart, you know Kyrie will have to beat that ass." I say and close my notebook. "Whatever." Kel replies. "I'm serious. If you play with Zeny, it's gone be hell to pay the captain." "I'm not!" Kel yells. "Aight, niggah! Now, get out my room." I say and push him towards the door and close it. I go to my laptop and call Kyrie from Skype. "Hey, babe. Hold on." Kyrie says and I nod. I grab a pillow and prop behind my head. "Mom! Get your son!" Kyrie yells. She and Dre are straight up fist-fighting. I'm laughing my ass off. They are bombing! "Fuck niggah!" Kyrie says and shoves him out her room. "Hey, Ante. How you doing?" She purrs. "I'm fine. How are you? It was looking dangerous." I say through a chuckle. "Oh. Hahahaha. I'm good. But Dre is a fuck boy." "Hahahaha. Why?" "He broke my damn glasses!" Kyrie yells as she disappears from the screen. "But I got an extra pair cause I'm awesome. So what you doing, niggah?" "Nothing. What happened to your hand?" I ask as I notice a long cut across her hand. "How the hell did you see that?" "How did I see that? How did I see that? I saw it cause I'm very observant." "Hahaha. Aight, Tre Melvin." She replies. "I was hoping you thought of that." "Of course you did. Haha. But my dad brought home  puppies. One of them was jumping on me and accidentally scratched my hand." "Oh. You aight?" "Yea. So, you want a dog ... or 6?" "What?!" I exclaim and Kyrie laughs. "I'm playing about the 6 part. But do you want a puppy or two?" "Yea. A boy and a girl. Name 'em Thug and Passion." "Bullshit! That's too close to my names." "What's yours?" "Thug and Mansion." "You're a die hard Tupac fan, aren't you?" I ask while trying to contain my laughter. "You know it. But you can keep those names. Between the two of us, it's 6 puppies. My dad's friend gave us all 12 puppies and we're gonna sell the other six. My other 2 puppies are named Lil and Homie." "My fucking Lil Homies. Bunch of bad lil motherfuckers!" I say and Kyrie's face turns into a beautiful smile. "Aww! My Novio knows what I be talking about. Love it." "Haha. Aye, I'm finna KO. Night, baby girl." "Aww, ok. Night, baby boy." She responds. I lean in and place my lips on the screen. Do NOT judge me! Kyrie leans and we share a cyber kiss. "You my lil homie. Bad lil motherfucker." I say and she busts up. "Good night, boy. Love you." "Love you too." I say and throw up the West side sign and she does the same. I exit outta Skype and close my computer. I literally jump into my bed and bury myself under the covers. I'm probably gonna have the best sleep I've had in a minute, tonight.

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