Kyrie's P.O.V

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"Bryante, where's your History notebook?" I whine. I'm a giant ass slacker and I need Cole's notes. "In my backpack." "I looked in there. Couldn't find it." "It's green." He says and then walks out the room with his towel and clothes. I rummage through his bag again and pull out the green notebook that I completely overlooked. He should really start labeling these shits! I sit at my desk and start flipping through the pages, trying the section that we're on. I turned too far and came across a page that had my name written at the top. Am I gonna read it? Of course I am! I lean back in my chair and get to it.

9-25-13, 8:45 p.m.

I don't think I've ever felt so scared to lose someone. Dead ass. Its been about 3 days since Kyrie and I have uttered a word to each other. This is starting to bug me. And there's a voice in the back of my head yelling at me to apologize. I don't know what I'd say. It's so much that'll be asked and that we both would need to explain. Seeing her everyday is torture because I can't fall all over her like I usually do. And it doesn't help that Tray said that she's been sleeping in one of my oversized tees that I left over at her house. I can just imagine her snuggled up to her pillow, shirt falling to the middle of them thick ass thighs. Then, on a usual circumstance, she'll wake up in the morning and look in the mirror. Criticizing herself and I'd be right there to say, "You're beautiful, baby girl. Remember that." Then she'll look up at me, encircle her arms around my neck and lean up to kiss me. "I love you." We'd say and smile. She'll go snap crazy about my eyes and I'd fan boy about her smile. Next, I'd sit on the bed and watch her as she gets dressed. Admiring the shape of her body and watching the swing of her hips intently. I would eventually get up and get ready but not before Kyrie pokes my abs multiple times while saying, "Kyrie Krishstal Johnson was here, niggah! And these are my abs." "But they're on my body." I'd say just to piss her off. "Are you my boyfriend?" "Yea." "Then they're mine. Fuck?" She'll say and walk of to do her hair. I'd laugh and wait until she's done, reminiscing on the events our relationship. *EXTREMELY LOUD SIGH*. I guess I deserve what I'm going through. Being stubborn probably wasn't my best move.

"What you reading, bae?" I hear and almost jump out my skin. "Oh, um. Uhh, I was just ... um ... reading over the ... uhh ... the notes for history." I say, mentally groaning. "Sure you were. Although, I don't remember writing notes at the end of this book." He says and leans over my shoulder. "But you did." "Hahaha. No I didn't. You're just nosey." He says and laughs. "Oh come on! You couldn't expect me not to read it. It had my name on it!" "I know. I don't care, though. I was gonna show it to you anyway." He says and lays on the bed. "I something like that too." I say and he looks at me. "Really?" "Yea. Why you say it like it's a shocker?" "It is. I thought you hated me." "I could never hate you. I strongly disliked you but not hate. Anyway, wanna read it?" I ask as I rummage through my desk for the piece of paper I wrote on. He propped himself on the pillows once I handed him the paper.

9-29-13. 5:30 a.m.

I can't stand the way he looks at me! Probably because I'm being a jackass but whatever! His little cute, smart, sexy, fuck ass had a lot of nerve and I'm listing him in almost every possible positive way. No matter how mad I am at him, I still love him. And those eyes. Those big, piercing, beautiful eyes. So honest. They always hold so much emotion. That smile. So bright that the sun ends up second guessing itself. Cole's voice! It's so smooth and deep. The way words fall out his mouth in an artistic manner. That tone he uses when he says my name. Like honey! At this moment, I want his hands around my waist. Or massaging my hair. Either one is fine. The gentleness he puts into everything he does. Back to his eyes. Those looks he give me. They can be playful, warning you, loving, suggesting. But most of all, intimidating. His stares always make me look away. Them lips, thoo'! Not obnoxiously big but plump, soft and heaven when they're on mine. Heaven when they touch my cheek. And a firestarter when placed on my neck. His hands have a dominant nature. When they grab me, there's authority in his grip. I love it! I just love him SOOOO MUCH! And I miss him. So you know what, I'm gonna get my fucking man back. I've worked too damn hard for this relationship. We gone have to suck it up, maine.

"Kyrie." Cole says in a sing-song tone. "Yea?" "Come here, ma." He says and I practically dive into his arms. "I love your little short ass." He says and presses kisses to my forehead. "I love you too." I reply and bury my head in his neck. He rests his hands on my lower back and thigh while I play with his ear. We lay like that all night, not saying anything. There's so much that can be said but not right now.

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