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I wanna be your man. I wanna be your man. I wanna be your man, yes I do.

I woke up to my phone playing 'Wanna be Your Man' by Zapp. I practically broke ass out my room. "ONE YEAR AS MRS. JACKSON!!" I yell. Y'all know I'd usually do a surprise for Cole without saying anything. Not today! I grabbed my keys and ran out the house. As I'm running down the stairs, Cole is pulling up. I bounce from foot to foot, waiting for him to get out. "Happy anniversary, baby!" We yell as we run to each other. "Get dressed and we'll go out for breakfast." He says and I nod, skipping into the house like a little kid. I run to the shower, singing off key to Body Party. 15 minutes later, im drying off and getting dressed. I slide into a pair of shorts, a red undershirt, black shoulder less shirt and my red and black Griffeys. I put in some Motions so my hair will curl since it's wet and I tie a red bandana around my head. I had on both my necklaces and I broke ass out the house. I throw myself into Cole's waiting arms. "Ready, gorgeous?" He asks and I nod. I run down to the car, getting in and putting in our Cruisin' CD. He slides into the driver's seat and I look at him. "You ready?" I ask and he nods. I press play and we both yell, "Hot shit!" As we bump to 'Country Grammar' by Nelly.

*30 minutes later*

"Can you believe it? It's been a year since we ate here together for the first time." Cole says as we walk into Denny's. "I know right. Someone was teasing me at that table." I say and he laughs, pulling me into his arms. "Oh! I remember you guys. Welcome back." The clerk says and we laugh. "Take your table. Someone will be there to take your orders in a minute." She says and we walk back. "Its been a year, bruh. Me and you. A year together." I say and grabs his hands. "I know, ma. It's amazing." "I swear!" I reply as the waitress comes over. She eyes Cole up and down. "What can I get you, boo?" She says and I calm myself. I was getting ready to cuss her out in the coolest way but Novio beat me to it by saying, "Can we have another waiter?" "Why, boo?" "Because I don't want my girlfriend to beat your ass on our anniversary." He says and she looks at me, gasps and then walks away. "Thanks." "I got you." He says and leans across the table, kissing me. "Oh, love birds." We hear and pull away. "What can I get y'all today?" "I'll have a Belgium waffle." "Make that two, on the same plate. Along with an apple juice and an orange juice." Cole says and the waiter nods and walks off. "You not that hungry either?" I ask and he shakes his head. "But, baby! Your surprise is gonna be so cute. Then I'm gonna sing to you tonight." I say and he laughs. "I'm doing the same." He says and motions for me to sit next to him. I slide into the booth beside him and lay my head on his shoulder. "Kyrie?" "Cole?" "I love you." "I love you too." I reply and peck his lips.

*3 hours later*

"Fuck that shit! My ass is scraight outta there!" I say. We met up with the crew at the Mall of America. "Aye, it's y'all anniversary. Sing." Tray says. We shake our heads and then Cole starts. "And we won't be going home. For so long, for so long but I know, I won't be on my own. I'm feeling like." "Right now, I wish you were here with me. Ow ooh ohh! Cause right now, everything is new to me. Ow ooh ooh!" I sing everyone claps. "Tresanto and Koley are the four people that I can hear sing all day and never get tired." Azendra says and we laugh. "Excuse me. Is there a Kyrie Johnson here?" This guy says as he walks up to the table. "That's me." "This is for you." He says and hands me the giant bouquet of flowers. Orchids, Daisies, Lilies, and Chrysanthemums. Along with a giant heart-shaped chocolate box. "Cole, did you do this?" "The flowers, yes. But the box I'm gonna give you is at home." He says and I open the heart. I 'aww' my ass off. It was a picture of me and Cole laying on the couch. I was in his lap with my head in the crook of his neck. I look up at my friends and instantly know who did it. "Terry!" I yell as I hug Tray. He laughs and said, "It was too cute for me not to snap a pic." "Thanks, Tray." Cole says, dapping him.

*6 hours later*

It was around 6 and we were in the backyard, eating the barbeque that my dad murdered. Me and Cole were sitting at opposite ends of the table and when I looked up, he was staring at me. Like intently. His head was in his hands and his head was tilted to the side. You know when you know someone is looking at you and you try to ignore that shit by looking everywhere? What I'm doing. I was looking at the tree I'm growing when my phone buzzes.

Look at me, ma. Stop trying to hide your beautiful face. :)

I look across the table, biting the inside of my cheek. He smiles and I blush. A real thug like me didn't blush. But after I met Mr. Jackson ... it all went down hill. But he's the only that can bring it out of me.

Come in the house five minutes after I get up.

I nod and he goes to talk to my parents. I wait, getting impatient for no reason. I get up and walks through the back door. I go to the kitchen to get a Gatorade and when I turn around, my soul almost leaves my body. Cole was just standing there, looking at me. I lean against the fridge, staring back. After a few minutes, my eyes drop and he chuckles before pressing his body against mine. "I told you about hiding that face I love." He says as lifts my head. This niggah always lectures me in a sweet way. Ugh! I can't stand but I wouldn't trade it for anything. "Ready for your present?" He asks, playing with my glasses. "Yes. And stop messing with my eyes." I say and he laughs, pulling me into the hallway. He goes into the closet and pulls out a scrapbook. As I flip through the pages, I get a tear in my eye. It was everything we said and pictures of us. He had the text messages, the notes, even a couple phone conversations. "Thank you!!" I yell, throwing my arms around him, burying my face in his chest. "Haha. You're welcome." He says and kisses my forehead. I run up to my room, going to my bookshelf and setting it on top. Cole grabs my hand when I come back down and pulls me out the house, spinning me as he does. I was glowing. I felt so light and free. He dips me, eyes staring into mine. "I love you, beautiful." "I love you too, handsome." I say as I giggle and run out his arms. "Mom, dad! We're at the park." I call as I motion for him to follow and run down the block.

*15 minutes later

We sat on the bleachers talking mad shit to each other. But it was all out of love. "If you didn't mess with my glasses, I wouldn't cuss you out." "Oh! But you can claim my abs, right?" "Damn skippy!" I say and we laugh. I get up and run to the swings. I haven't felt this good in a long time. I don't know if it's because it's summer, me and Cole have been together for a year, or if it's listening to what Tray said. Either way, I'm loving this. "Can you believe it? We're juniors next year and I'm still with my Marshmallow." Cole says as he steps in front of me. "I know. It's amazing." I say, lifting his shirt and poking his abs. "I'm a goofy goober, yea. You're a goofy goober, yea. We're all goofy goobers." I sing as I poke each ab. "Childish much?" "Shut up." I reply and he laughs. He pulls me up and we start walking back home. "Let's stop by your house first." I say. He nods and pulls me into his arms. "Be real. Have you ever pictured yourself with a black guy?" "I'm with you, aren't I?" "I mean before me, smartass." I laugh and say, "I thought me and Trey Songz had a chance." "Hahaha. Be serious." "Aight. Nah, I haven't. Black boys didn't really interest me. You know the type of girl I am. I need to be able to talk to you. And you have to understand me. Most didn't and I think that's why I've always pictured myself with a white boy. Then I met you, fell in love and no we here." I say and he leans down to kiss me. I know we look stupid cause we're walking and I'm directly in front of him. We get in front of his house a few minutes later. Kel was sitting on the steps. He and Cole are back on good terms but I haven't really said anything to him. I run up the stairs and tap his shoulder. He looks at me before standing up. "Brother!" I yell, throwing my arms around him. He hesitantly hugs me back. "Why are you here all alone? Don't answer that. Come on." I say and drag him off the porch and I force him and Cole to skip down the street with me. This summer will be the best. #2k14.

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