Chapter 28

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A groan escaped my mouth as I woke up. My shoulder was numb but at the same time it felt like it was killing me. I then remembered that I had gotten shot.

I bolted up and immediately regretted it, slowly laying back down. It was then that I realized that I was on a bed. It wasn't the comfiest bed out there but after sleeping on the forest floor and concrete for the last couple of weeks it felt like heaven to me.

It was a queen sized bed. There wasn't any kind of bed frame of head board, it was just the mattress. There was a warm looking white blanket at the foot of the bed and I reached for it with my right hand, using it to get more comfortable. I began to look around the room then.

The walls were painted a dark blue, and all the furniture had a simple oak tone to it. There was a nightstand in one side of the bed and the dresser on the other. There was a desk with nothing sitting on top of it opposite of the bed, next to one of the two doors in the room. The other was perpendicular to the bed, to the right of me right now.

I finally remembered where I was and I was out of the bed in lightening speed, ignoring my throbbing shoulder as I rushed for the door next to the bed and attempted to open it. It was locked. I cursed and ran to the other door, the pain in my shoulder seeming to disappear as excitement flooded through my body at the thought of actual escape.

The other door opened but it lead to a bathroom, and there another door directly opposite mine. I looked around the bathroom and my room and the closest thing I could find to a weapon was the white blanket on my bed.

I cautiously approached the door, hoping to God that maybe it was just an empty room. I was going weaponless but if this was an escape, I honestly didn't give two flying shits about not having a weapon.

I slowly turned the door knob with my right hand to open the door, and threw a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming. There was a girl with bright brown eyes and long, dark, tangly hair holding a lamp out in front of her.

We both let out a sigh of relief at the same time, but she kept her lamp up for precaution. "Who are you?" She asked. Her voice had a slight British accent to it.

"I'm Paisley Whitefield, daughter of the alpha of the Stone Creek pack. Who are you?" I asked, staying in the door of the bathroom.

"Anastasia Waters. Daughter of Matthew and Aurora Waters," she said. My eyes widened as the name processed inside my head.

"They had the guts to kidnap a princess?" I whispered. She nodded. "How old are you? And when did they take you?"

"I'm nineteen, and they took me when I was thirteen," she said quietly.

"Oh my gosh. That's awful," I said quietly, rushing over and pulling her into a hug as I saw tears well in her eyes.

"They've done so many things," she whispered, and she completely broke down into tears. I made my way over to her bed with her, setting the lamp on the nightstand and starting to soothingly rubbing her back, trying to get her to calm down.

"They beat me, they give me serums that make me see terrible things, and they... they.." She couldn't seem to get out the last part, but I had a pretty good guess on what it was. "They rape me." She said it so quietly that I barely heard her, but it was I had assumed it had been.

"Ana I am so sorry," I whispered, pulling her in for a tight hug. "We'll find a way to get out of here. I promise."

I didn't know if I would be able to keep that promise but I would do my damnedest to try. These men raped her, and that's worse then any beating that any of the other daughters could have gotten.

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