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I landed on top of the bar and hopped down from there and landed. I looked around and saw them not even halfway across I decided to ransack the bar. I went in there and just grabbed a bottle of her liquor and a wine glass. Honestly I don't give a fuck and I have a larger alcohol tolerance than all of the supernaturals and plus I drink a lot so this was Normal. I sipped it slowly until the reached me then I chugged it and got a refill and put it back.

My mate looked at it then smelled the air and then tried to get the glass from my hands. I tsked and walked away he tried again and then I put my foot back and tripped him. When he stood up he was seething with anger and said "my mate should not be drinking alcohol" I sighed turned around and looked at him and said in a calm voice "as a blood merge subject I have a large alcohol tolerance and for you information I like alcohol so fuck off" from that point on it was silence we reached the crystal room it was a place to safely store spirits.

Inside it was a deep rich hunters green with a black marble floor and black accents. On a corresponding color stood my shifts they were lined up.









Ah all accounted for as per usual I headed for my warlock gem it was the most intricate streaked purple with a slight hint of enchanters blue. It had my beloved power that was to be used for good. I slowly placed my hand on it as a encrusting pain shot though me I masked it immediately slowly I felt a gem being pushed though my upper arm this time it was a band of obsidian going through my arm it was a few shy of an inch thick.

As that was done I let out a sigh and mumbled a spell and transported my posse and into the chamber room and placed a invisible spell on myself and I was alone I did the rest of my shifts slowly and it was over with just as my mate was pounding down the hallway. He soon reached me and my invisibility wore of s few seconds and I fell forward my mate instantly caught sight of me and rush forward and managed to stop my descent towards the ground as black dots found my vision.

**Roman pov**

As I reached the room where we were earlier I saw no one. I did smell her as my eyes searched erratically around the room I saw a flash of color I saw my mate fall forward towards the ground. I rushed to her and caught her just as her eyes closed. She was beautiful even in a time of complete chaos and disorder as I was starting at her her eyes opened and she blinked and no sooner did I blink then she was on the other side of the room setting down a manila envelope. And then she disappeared into thin air......

------------------------------------------------- Sorry it short but I was sick and I am tired soooooooooooooo bye


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