The Birth of Legacy

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'People stop to turn and stare everywhere she goes.'

My music started. I walk out on the ramp with a shocked look on my face. I was meant to look scared when really I was about to beat the crap out of two huge guys.I walked/fan to the ring still looking shocked. Cody, Ted and Randy where all looking at me. I slowly entered the ring not breaking my eye contact with the boys. I stood in front of Sunka before bending down to check on him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yea-" He started before I slapped him.

I looked up at the boys with and evil smile on my face.

"Did Ali just slap Sunka, I thought that they were friends. He saved her from Randy last week" Jerry said in a confused tone.

I stood up and started whirling my hair around my finger smiling. I looked back down at Snuka and then the boys.

"Pick him up" I ordered them to do.

The boys picked up Sunka and I looked at him. I walked over to him before pushing him back down to the ground. I did my father's signature elbow drop which I use in matches. The ground started to boo me. I got up and I started telling them to shut up. I smiled at the boys and as we were about to leave the ring I saw Manu. I stopped the boys and pointed to him. 

We walked over to Manu. I smiled and looked at the crowd.

"WOO" I shouted at them.

I sat down and grabbed Manu's legs. I wrapped my legs around him before putting him in the figure four lock. He wasn't tapping out but he was yelping in pain. I started to scream at him. I was about to break his leg before the ref's got me off him. I smiled at the boys before we left the ring. We did our little pose at the top before walking backstage.

"Ali that was so good!" Ted smiled at me as I hugged Randy.

"I was good? Guys did you not see what you did out there you guys were amazing!" I smiled while Cody hugged me.

"Let's just say we were all amazing" Randy laughed.

I smiled at him. I really liked these boys. I never thought that in a million years that I would actually find people as good as them. They were like my new best friends. They were just so sweet and kind and very good looking...especially Cody. Damn he's hot.

"Well look who we have here" A voice said behind me.

I turned around to see someone I would have jumped on and hugged two months ago.

"What the hell do you want Mike?" I said holding me chin up.

"You did a pretty good job out there" He said crossing his arms and taking a step towards me.

"Oh really?" I asked him while crossing my arms.

"Yeah,well I have seen better divas and like girls who can actually look sexy while they fight but sure if these three losers can deal with an ugly ass bitch like you then they can do that" Mike smirked.

"Shut your damn mouth" Cody said while he stood beside me.

"Oh well look who's talking. Find someone else to replace me Alison?" Mike said while taking an another step towards me.

"Any of these guys could replace you, and well let's face it they have more talent than you and there much better looking than you" I smiled.

"Well that's not what Maryse thinks" Mike smirked.

"Maryse?" I asked confused.

"Oh you didn't know? I'm with Maryse now" He smiled while my heart sank.

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