I'm here for you

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"Okay quickly sit her down" The doctor yelled as we ran through the door.

"My rib's" I moaned as I held them.

"It's gonna be okay" My dad assured me, but I knew it wasn't.

"How can you stay this calm?" I asked him.

"If I don't stay calm then how can you?" He replied holding my hand.

"Thanks daddy" I smiled at him.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Ted asked the doctor.

"We don't know yet, we can tell you after she get;s her x-ray done" The doctor replied.

"Talking about that CAN WE JUST GET IT DONE?!" I yelled at them.

"Calm down, Alison" My dad told me as he held my hand tighter.

"No, Ric it's okay, she's stressed and she just wants to know if she's hurt or not, we'll get done now" He smiled at me.

"Thank you" I smiled at him.

"No problem" He grinned as a medical student popped his head.

"We're ready" He smiled as I got up with the help of my dad.

"Pray it's okay" I smiled at the boys as they sat down on waiting chairs. 

"Just sit down there Ali" the doctor informed me as we entered the room. Since I was in my ring gear I didn't need to lift my top up.

I was strapped up to the chair and my dad held my hand. The laser came down and started to x-ray my ribs. 

"We're all done" The doctor smiled at me.

"Already?" I asked him in total shock.

"Yeah, it's quick" He laughed at me.

"Really?" I asked again.

"Yes" He chuckled.

"You were usually in here for ages" I replied looking at my dad.

"Well that's because I had to get half of my bones checked" Dad grinned at me.

"Oh Daddy" I sighed shaking my head.

"We'll leave you here for a while, do you want Ted, Cody and Randy to come in?" The doctor asked me as my dad stood up.

"Yeah, please" I smiled at them before the left the room.

"Okay then" He smiled before he left the room with my dad.

I sat there and looked up at the roof. There was no one in the room with me.

"What if it's bad?" I asked myself.

A tear fell down my face before I heard the door open.

"Ali?" Cody asked me.

"Hey" I mumbled.

"Are you okay?" Ted asked me.

"I think so, I hope so" I sighed as another tear fell down my face.

"You'll be okay" Randy assured me.

"No I won't" I cried as they walked over to me.

"Ali, don't think like that" Cody sighed.

"Cody, I'm not going to be okay, I'm not going to get that shot at the diva's title and there gonna let me go if it's really bad" I cried harder.

"Ali, you will be okay, I mean look at Triple H he was told that he would never wrestle again and now look at him" Randy told me.

"He's Triple H, I'm just Alison Flair" I yelled.

"Your Alison FLAIR, Ali your a Flair, when your dad was pushed down what did he do? He got back up, and now that you are pushed down, you can get back and fight" Ted assured me.

"But what happens if I can't get back up, if I can't fight back what happens then?" I cried.

"Guys can I just talk to her?" Cody asked them.

"Yeah, sure" Randy mumbled as he and Ted walked towards the door. They left the room and Cody locked the door. He looked at me and just bursted into tears.

"Come here" He mumbled as he threw his hands around me. 

I cried into his chest as he stroked my hair.

"What happens if they are broken" I cried.

"Well if they are we'll work together to get them better. You and Me" He assured me.

"You'll still be here for me?" I asked him.

"Of course I will, why would I let go of the best thing in my life?" He smiled at me.

"Well because there are divas here who can fight, and are beautiful" I told him.

"Not as beautiful as you" He smiled at me.

"Cody stop trying to sweet talk me when I'm in pain" I smiled at him.

"I'm just telling the truth" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Will you be with me when I find out if there broken or not?" I asked him.

"Ali, listen, I'm here for you, no one else, but you, I'm gonna be with you through thick and thin" He smiled at me.

"Cody?" I asked him.


"Never mind it's stupid" I shook my head.

"Ali, tell me" He smiled at me.

"It's nothing" I blushed.

"Alison Flair, tell me what you were going to say" He grinned.

"Do you love me?" I quickly mumbled.

"What?" He replied.

"Do you love me?" I repeated.

"Do I love you?" He asked me.

"Yeah, do you?" I asked him.

He was silent. I felt stupid. He doesn't love me, he only likes me.

"You don't love me do you?" I questioned him, another tear falling down my face.

He was still silent.

"Cody please answer me, I'm feeling stupid" I begged him.

He stayed silent.

"Cody" I whispered as tears were falling down my face quickly.

"I-I-I" He stuttered.

"Cody, please" I begged.

"Ali, I love you" He mumbled.

"What?" I asked him.

"I love you" He smiled.

"You love me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, well I think I do" He grinned.

"You think you do?" I asked him.

"Well I've never really loved a girl so I don't know what this feeling his inside of me" Cody sighed.

"You're in love" I smiled.

"I am?" He asked me.

"Yeah you are, if you don't know what the feeling that you have inside of you is, it's love" I grinned.

"Well then I do love you" He smiled as he took my hand.

"I love you too" I smiled back at him.

He came closer to me and kissed me. I kissed him back. I knew I was in love, I knew that I had found he one. I knew that he was mine and that I was his.

"Ahem" A voice coughed.

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