Close as strangers

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Onscreen the boys and I were kicking ass. Every single person in the WWE Universe hated us with a burning passion. They hated the fact that Cody and Ted had titles. They hated the fact that Randy was main evening WrestleMania in a week. They hated the fact that I was becoming the top diva. They hated us. They didn't want us, but we wanted us. We wanted to be the most hated people in WWE and that's what we were doing. 

Of screen wasn't the same. We would never talk. I was always with the girls, they were always together. I felt like they didn't care about me at times but then I had to kick myself because I did tell them to leave me alone. Every time I regret telling them to go away I think of all the names they've called me. Slut. Bitch. I don't need that kind of crap in my life. I only needed one thing. The Divas Championship. Screw the Womens title, my sights were set on the pink, butterfly shaped title. 

"Ali?" Eve asked me snapping me out of my thoughts of winning at WrestleMania.

"Yes!" I shook my head and blinked a couple of times before looking at my best friend with wide eyes.

"Cody?" She asked me as she put her hand on her hip. "Ali, we've been over this a thousand times, if you miss him that much go back to him" Eve sighed.

"I was not thinking about Cody" I scoffed.

"Then what were you thinking off?" The brunette asked me.

"Winning the divas title at WrestleMania" I perked.

"With Cody?" She finished.

"No." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you think of now?" She asked me with a smile.

"Cody." I replied.

"AHA!" Eve yelled as she pointed at me. "YOU WERE THINKING OF CODY!" 

"Because you said his name" I sighed.

"Sure" Eve giggled.

"Oh my gosh. How do I put up with you?" I shook my head.

"Because you love me" She smiled.

"Sure" I chuckled.

"You do" Eve grinned before the door was nearly ran down by the whole divas locker room.

"ALI!" Kelly yelled as I stood up and stood beside Eve.

"What?!" I replied looking at the divas who were gathered around me in total shock.

"You'll never believe what's about to happen" Nikki grinned as she closed the door.

"What did you do?" I asked them.

"We did nothing, but something huge is about to happen" Brie smiled.

"Are we getting tag team titles?!" I asked in glee.

"I wish" Layla sighed.

"Dammit!" I cursed.

"What are you all exited about?" Eve asked them.

"Well I over heard a conversation between Cody, Ted and Randy and Cody said that he is going to come looking for you today and he wants to talk to you. He said that it's meant to be very important" Michelle beamed.

"Sorry?" I choked.

"Cody wants you back" Maryse grinned.

"He can't want me back" I mumbled.

"Why not, you two are meant to be Ali" Maria smiled.

"I can't be with him, I've hurt him too many times, no he can't want me back" I breathed.

"Well by what I heard he probably does want you back" Michelle giggled.

"But he can't-"

"Well he does" Eve cut in.

"We're not meant to be, nothing good ever happens when we're together" I huffed.

"Couples go through that kind of crap" Brie assured me.

"Yeah, you we're in love with Cody from the moment someone said that you liked him" Nikki added.

"You're love story is like a huge roller coaster" Beth smiled.

"You've hit a bump but you'll get over it" Nattie grinned.

"We've hit too many damn bumps" I mumbled.

"And you've gotten over most of them" Kelly smiled.

"Most" I added.

"Ali, this is just another bump. I know you. You're the type of girl who's scared to get hurt. You look for the good in people so the good will show. You try to hide the bad so it won't come out but it has to come out if you want a healthy relationship Al" Eve started. "You only look at the good so you miss important signs. Like if someone's going to hurt you. You'll end up with a broken heart because you never saw it coming. Cody was made for you. Not anyone else. You. Legacy was the kick start off in your relationship. You're as close as strangers now. Go out there and look for him. Talk to him and love him again. You need him Al, and he needs you."

I sighed before looking Eve in the eye. She was right. I do need him. I really do need him. As much as it kills me to say I need Cody Rhodes. He's my other half. The part of me that keeps me going. He showed me what love really was. He's my person. He's the beat of my heart. He's the smile on my face. He's skip in my step. He's me. I let him go once and I wasn't going to make that mistake again. I walked to the door before my feet started to catch speed. I was running to find him. I was running to find the man that has kept me up for nights. I was running to put an end to this stupid little fight. I was running to make him mine again. I was running for Cody. I was running for me. I was running for us.

Out of breath and desperate to just give up I stopped. I closed my eyes and took what felt like my last breath. I opened my eyes to see if I could see him. Nothing. He was nowhere to be seen. I felt like curling up in a ball and just giving up. I wanted to cry for days and not wrestle. I wanted nothing. I didn't want my match a WrestleMania. I didn't want the divas title. I wanted nothing. All I wanted was him. All I wanted was Cody. I let a tear slip down my face as I stood there. I wanted to hold him and tell him that I wasn't going anywhere. I let another tear fall before I covered my face with my hands. I started to let the tears fall faster and quicker. I didn't care who saw me because they all knew who I was crying about. 

"Ali?" A voice spoke from behind me.

I lifted my face from my hands before I turned around to look into those blue eyes that I loved so much. Those blue eyes that made me fall deeper in love with him. Those blue eyes I'd been longing to look into. 

"Cody" I whispered.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"I need you" I mumbled before I fell into his arms. He stroked my hair and kissed my head as I sobbed into his black shirt.

"I'm here it's okay" Cody soothed.

I looked up at him as he wiped away my tears that had stained my face a horrible colour of red. He smiled at me as I parted my lips.

"I love you Cody" I whispered before his lips connected with mine. 

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