Our love will die the day we die

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"But you don't love me back...do you?" I asked him not taking my eyes off him. His eyes traveled my face and his mouth lay open. I felt like a idiot. A complete and utter fool. Standing there in front of him confessing my feelings for him and after all this time, after every single tear, after everything he didn't feel the same way as I did. He told me he did, he lied. My heart was slowly breaking, he just had to say one more word to make my world fall apart. No. I don't love you. That's all it takes for him to kill me. 


"Do you love me Cody?" I asked him. my voice breaking.

"You don't need me Ali."

"Yes I do Cody, I need you more than anything." I cried.

"You can do this on your own" He sighed.

"No I can't. I need you in my corner, I need you in my life , I really need you."

"Do you remember the first time we met?" He asked me.


"The first time we met, do you remember it?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Your first day. I remember it like it was yesterday. You were so nervous. You had this white shirt on with Fall Out Boy written on it, and a pair of these destroyed denim skinny jeans on you. Black converse and your hair was tied up in a messy pony tail. You were blonde back then. All the divas would walk past you and shake their heads at the way you were dressed, the other superstars laughing at the way you did your make up. The all laughed and looked, but I didn't. I didn't care about what the others said because I knew that the moment they saw you fight they would all love you, like I did. You were holding a black suitcase and I remember people looking at you as you walked through the halls and you approached Kelly, asking her where the divas locker room was. She just embarrassed you before walking away laughing. I remember the hurt on your face as she walked away with Maria. It hurt me. I didn't know why but I was sad to see you so embarrassed and hurt. I didn't know but that day Vince called us up to his office, that day when I heard you loved me, that day when you first kissed me that was when I knew why I was sad to see you hurt. There was always something about you Ali that made me interested . From the moment I finally gathered up enough courage to walk up to and ask if you were okay to now. Randy and Ted always told me I was mad for liking Ric Flair's daughter. They told me that I'd never have a chance with you. I didn't believe them, that was until that horrible Monday morning. You walked in hand and hand with Mike. The smile you wore that day was the reason for my heartbreak. Seeing you with him hurt me more than ever. I never showed it but I really liked you Ali. I never knew what love was until I met you. So don't cry and say I never loved you because I do. You drive me crazy Ali. No matter what happens to us, no matter who we end up with, if it be we end up together or we end up with someone else just know that I will always have a place for you right in here. Right in my heart. You're my first love and the first girl who loved me for me. Not for anyone else. I may go on to become WWE Champion and I may become extremely successful, but no matter how successful I come, when it comes to you I'll always be that annoying guy that was in love with you from the moment he met you. I love you Ali Flair. I always did and I always will."

At this point the tears were streaming down my face. What do you say to that? What do you say to the boy who has just told you why he's madly in love with you? He made me feel special. Cody Rhodes made me feel like an actual person and not like some alien. Ever since he came up to me on my first day and asked if I was okay he's made me feel like a person. No matter what I do, who I love or where I go, he'll always be mine. He'll always be my boy. 

"You're mine, you'll always be mine and no matter who stands in our way, I'm never going to stop loving you Cody. You were the first boy that I adored. I adore you. I need you Cody, so don't say I don't, because I do. I really do need you. I love you. Let them say different things, let them try and break us apart because we can show them that we're stronger than them. I love you Cody Rhodes. I love you so much that it hurts. You make me so happy. I'll never give up on us. There comes a point in every relationship where everything seems like it can never get better, but we proved that wrong because it can. I am madly in love with you Rhodes. Our love will die the day we die." I cried before falling into his arms and crying more. 

Everyone finds that one person they need to breath and when you let them go it feels like there's no more air. That's how Cody feels to me. Without him I don't know what I'd do. The truth hits you hard if it be good or bad, it hits you. The truth hit me when I first laid my eyes on Cody, I just never knew it until now. The truth is no matter what I say I will always truly, madly, deeply love Cody. Now and forever. 

"Words can't describe you. You're everything and I will love you until the day I die" I whispered before I kissed him one last time before WrestleMania. 

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