Elimnation Chamber

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Two weeks past since Cody kissed me. Two weeks past since I last talked to the boys. Our last encounter wasn't the best. Ted called me a bitch, Randy called me a slut and Cody, he broke me again. I left the room and I started to travel with Nikki, Brie and Eve. But tonight I have to face them. Tonight I have to put it all behind me. Tonight I have to be the bigger person.

"NICOLE COME ON!" Brie yelled.

"I'M COMING!" She snapped back at her twin sister.

"Nikki, we have that signing now, come on" Eve groaned.

"Would you wait!" Nikki hissed.

"Jack's gonna be there" I smirked.

Nikki darted out of her room and towards the door.

"Well them come on, hurry up" She snapped.

"How?" Brie sighed.

"It always works" I grinned.

"I should write that down" Eve chuckled.

"COME ON!" Nikki yelled dragging us out.

"I swear I'll kill her" Brie mumbled as she shut our door closed.

"And I'll help you" Eve added.

"COME ON!" Nikki yelled again.

"We're coming" Brie snapped as we walked down the corridor.

About 25 minutes later of Nikki and Brie's constant snapping at each other we were there. I looked over a Eve who was sitting beside me with her head in her hands.

"Oh look we're here, thank god" Eve sighed as she jumped out of her seat belt.

"We all know that I'm gonna be the first to get married" Nikki snapped at Brie.

"Yeah right, name the superstar you'll marry" Brie hissed.

"Jack" Nikki smiled.

"I thought she was gonna say John Cena" I smiled.

"Nicole and John Cena, yeah right, plus he's married" Brie laughed.

"I can still marry him" Nicole snapped.

"Oh look there's Jack" Eve pointed out, clearly because she wanted to get out of the car.

"Where?!" Nikki asked.

"I'm gonna tell him what you said" Brie sang.

"You say one word, I'll kill you" Nikki threatened her twin.

"I'll sing it then" Brie smirked.

"BRIANNA!" Nikki yelled.

"Can we just go?!" Eve asked us.

"Come on, you two" I smiled as I got out of the car.

"ALISON FLAIR THERE YOU ARE" Vince yelled at me as he walked towards me.

"Oh, hi Vince" I smiled.

"Hello, now come with me" Vince grinned taking my wrist and pulling me off somewhere.

"Eh, Vince where in the name of hell are we going?!" I asked him.

"You have a meet and greet now" He smiled.

"I know that, but I was told that it was with the rest of the divas" I explained to him.

"Well not anymore" Vince grinned as we walked up to a table.

"Oh no" I mumbled as I saw who sat at the table.

"What?" Vince asked.

"Can I please just work with the girls?" I asked him.

"No, you have to do the signing with Cody, Ted and Randy" Vince told me.

"Why?" I moaned.

"They're your team mates now get up on that stage, they're all waiting for you" Vince told me as he pointed to the crowd that wait for me.

"Do I have to?" I moaned.

"Yes, now get up there" Vince snapped as he pushed me up on to the stage.

"IT'S ALI!" A fan yelled making Randy, Ted and Cody look up at me.

"ALI, ALI, ALI, ALI, ALI!" The crowd chanted.

I put on a fake smile as I walked to my seat. I sat down between Randy and Cody as I waved at the crowd.

"Nice to see you" Randy mumbled as Cody handed me a sharpie.

"Nice to see you too" I mumbled back before the first fan walked up to us.


It's a new day

"Being accompanied to the ring by Randy Orton and Ali Flair, the team of Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase, The Legacy!" Justin Roberts announced as we walked out.

I held Cody's hand as we made out entrance. As awkward as it felt I loved it. He held the ropes for me when we reached the ring. He gave me a wink which made my heart beat faster. My cheeks started to heat up when he got into the ring and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked at Rosa Mendez who stood next to Primo and Carlito, the tag team champions. My eyes then fell on Natayla who stood with Tyson Kidd and David Hart. I smirked as I looked at the competition. We were so gonna win this. I jumped out of the ring and stood beside Randy.

Ted, Carlito and David started the match off.

"LET'S GO TED!" I cheered getting boo's off the crowd and I look from Natayla. As much as I loved her backstage I was a different person when I was in the ring.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked her.

"Yes, yes I do" She snapped.

"Do you wanna tell me that problem you idiot?" I asked her.

"I'm the idiot, says the girl who's dating Cody Rhodes" She snickered getting a cheer from the crowd.

I smirked at her before I attacked her.

"ALI'S ATTACKING NATAYLA!" Jerry yelled as I sent Nattie into the barricade.

"Oooo that must of hurt" Michael replied as I smacked Nattie's head off the ring post.

"ALI, ALI CALM DOWN!" I heard Randy voice as he pulled me away from Nattie.

Tyson Kidd jumped down to check on Nattie as Randy got me back into our corner.

"Good job Ali" He smirked.

I smiled up at him as Cody and Ted looked down at us. Ted grinned at me as Cody gave me a wink. I smiled to myself as the crowd booed me. Randy let go of me as I looked around at crowd.

"Poor Nattie" I mocked her as the crowd booed me louder this time. "Awh Randy, they have a problem with me hurting Nattie, Awh" I smirked.

"YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK, YOU SUCK" They crowd chanted.

"GET A LIFE" I screamed at them as I Ted threw Carlito out of the ring.

I smirked at the crowd as Ted held his arms out getting more boos from the crowd.

"That's it Ted!" Randy cheered.

I smiled as Cody was tagged in. We had this won already.

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