I may or may not like him...

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"Char, your damn coco is ready, now come and get it before I throw it down my throat" I yelled at my sister.

"NO! IT'S MINE!" She yelled running in.

"Calm down, Char, I'm not that mean" I giggled at her.

"Yeah right" She smirked taking a sip of her coco.

"Aren't you such a lovely sister" I smiled at her.

"I'm the nicer one" She chuckled before skipping back into the sitting room.

I rolled my eyes and followed her. Charlotte and I had an amazing relationship. She's my only full sibling. The rest are either step-siblings or, half-siblings. Char was training to become a diva in the WWE. I don't know why but as soon as she saw me in the ring she gave up her gymnastics and started to train to become a diva. I guess I had a influence on her, well I am her older sister.

"So how are things going in work?" She asked me as she placed her coco down beside the pizza and went to put on 'Harry Potter and the Order of Phoniex'.

"Good" I lied.

"I see that you have a new story line" She giggled.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh you did now, well that's probably one of the first times ever you asked me about one of story lines" I smiled.

"Well the guys your working with are pretty good looking" She chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess they are" I smiled thinking of Cody.

I can't believe that I'm already slowly falling in love with Cody Rhodes. I mean I just got out of a relationship and I'm already head over heels for some one else. Damn you Cody Rhodes. 

"Ooo who do like" She giggled at me.

"What, Char I don't like anyone" I lied.

"Ali, I'm your sister I've known you my whole life, I know when you like a boy" She siad raising an eye brow.

I sighed. Should I tell her?

"Okay there is this one guy in work that I may or may not like" I sighed.

"Name" She mumbled while placing the disk in the DVD player.

"I'm not telling you!" I chuckled.

"And why not?" She asked me.

"Cause your a blabber mouth" I smirked.

"No I'm not!" 


"Okay, but it was one time!" She defended herself.

"Charlotte, you told the whole school that I liked, Jacob Noel!" I yelled at her.

"It was a mistake" She yelled back.

"Mom and Dad were there when you told the school" I mumbled.

Charlotte stayed quite and turned her attention back to the DVD player.

"I guess that means I win" I smirked.

 "Hmm" Char mumbled making me giggle.

"He calls me funny" I smiled biting my lip.

Charlotte's head swung around.

"He thinks your funny?!" She squealed.

"Uhh...maybe" I murmured.

"THAT'S SO CUTE" She fangirled jumping up and down.

"Your and idiot" I laughed at her.

"Oh my god, Ali please tell me more about this guy" She begged.

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