Care to explain?

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I hear voice's in my head, they talk to me, they understand, they talk to me, they talk me...

Randy's music started as we walked out on the ramp. Fall Out Boy were standing in the ring along with John Cena, Mickie James and DX. They looked down the ramp and us standing there. I kept calm, knowing that my favorite band were looking down at me. 

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, it's only Fall Out Boy" Randy smirked into the microphone making the crowd roar.

"And we can't forget, Shawn Micheals, and Triple H DX, and is that Mickie James with the WWE Divas title in her hand? And John Cena, the world heavy weight champion" Randy yelled.

"Also know as the four, people who will soon lose their titles to Legacy" Randy smirked.

"Ali take my title? That's very funny" Mickie laughed into the microphone, causing me to grab the microphone off Randy.

"You think your so funny, don't you Mickie?" I questioned her. She shrugged at my answer. " Well then you should put your money were your mouth is and put that title on the line. against me" I spat at her.

"I'll gladly do that, but you see Ali you have to wait your turn, I've still got to deal with Maryse" She scoffed.

"Maryse? Maryse, you beat Maryse? I'm pretty sure that the McMahons had something to do with you beating Maryse"  I snapped at her causing boo's to come out of the crowd.

"Anyone could beat Maryse, I mean anyone but you" She smiled, making the crowd chant her name.

"Mickie, Mickie, Mickie, Mickie" I mocked the crowd.

"Ali, stop trying to be a spoiled little brat" Mickie yelled at me.

"Well at least Cody picked me" I smirked causing her to glare at me. "Awh, I finally found Mickie's weak spot, talking about how Cody Rhodes never wanted to be with her, but Mickie being the idiot that she is threw herself on him, and ended up curled up in a little ball, crying to herself, eating up all the chocolate ice cream she could find" I laughed at her,

.She glared at me and dropped her title.

"Face it Mickie, no one gives a crap about you" I smirked before she ran out of the ring and straight towards me. 

I ran behind the boys but she pushed through them. I ran down the ramp and into the ring were John Cena, DX and Fall Out Boy had quickly left. Mickie ran into the ring and as soon as she reached the ring I kicked her in the gut. She held her gut as I threw the leg over her neck. I was about to jump down causing her face to hit the mat before she got my leg off her neck and pushed me against the ropes, I bounced off them and she clothes-lined me. I got up before she gave me a drop-kick which made me fall out of the ring. 

Cody, Ted and Randy quickly ran to my aid as the other's joined Mickie in the ring. 

"We've got our main event, Mickie James will team up with John Cena and DX to face the team of The Legacy" Patrick Stump, the lead singer of Fall Out Boy, yelled into the microphone.

Mickie, John, Hunter and Shawn all lifted their hands up together with Fall Out Boy as we walked back up to the top if the ramp. I had my arm around Cody and the other around Randy as they helped me walk back to the top of the ramp.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" I yelled at Mickie as her music started to play.

 As soon as we got to the back, I let go of the boys. I really didn't;t want to let go of Cody, but I was meant to mad at him.

"My rips" I moaned as I held them.

"Are you okay?" Randy asked me.

"Yeah, just my rips hurt a little bit" I assured him.

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