You need me

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"Alison Flair, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase to Mr McMahon's office please" A voice boomed throughout the backstage area.

I looked at Eve, Brie and Nikki before I threw my head back and groaned.

"Do I have to?" I moaned as I stood up.

"Yes, it's just a small meeting, probably about your matches at WrestleMania, now go" Eve informed as she pushed me out the door.

"But I don't wanna" I groaned .

"Too bad" Eve snapped before slamming the door in my face.

I stomped my foot, like a three year old child...or Charlotte would do, before I turned on my heel and made my way to Vince's office. I was not in the mood for those boys I call teammates after Cody and I had put little conversation. I had the feeling that I would walk in and Cody would be the only one sitting there with that stupid little smirk of his as he looked at me. Wait, why was I thinking of him? Ali your'e an idiot.

"Ali!" Someone yelled at me snapping me out of thoughts.

I turned around and saw the bleach blonde french diva running towards me.

"Maryse, hey" I smiled awkwardly, because we didn't have the best relationship as friends.

"You ready for our match later on?" She asked me with a smile.

"We have a match together?" I asked her.

"Yeah, against Gail Kim and Mickie James" Maryse smiled.

"Mickie?" I questioned.

"Yes Mickie, since your now the number one contender for her title you face her in tag team matches, she watches your matches, you watch her's. Next week their doing a Team Mickie vs Team Ali and that's technically all the face divas vs all the heel divas" Maryse smiled.

"For the next month, I do all this?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's not that bad, you get more TV time and you could easily win the divas title off her" Maryse grinned.

"I like the sound of that" I smiled.

"Yeah, I have to go, I've got a promo to cut with Gail Kim,I'll you later" Maryse smiled.

"See you later" I smiled back, before the french diva strutted down the hallway to gorilla as her hair bounced with every step she took.

I smiled at her before I turned on my heel. Maryse was changing, she was becoming a nicer person. I was staring to like Maryse. As I made my way to Vince's door and placed my hand on the big black heavy doors, I stopped. Three months ago flew back into my head. The start of Legacy flew back into my head. The names Vince had given us. Our story line. Our title shot's. our friendship. All of that happened in the room I was about to enter. Now, three months later, I hate the boys. Well I can't say hate, I dislike them, but now that burning memory that I had thought that I'd forgotten had hit me hard.

"Where is Alison?" I heard Vince snap, putting my out of my day dream.

I pushed the doors open and smiled at Vince.

"Sorry I was late Vince, Maryse was telling me about our match later on" I smiled realizing how I was late to the first meeting because of something that had happened with Maryse.

"Oh that's alright, take a seat Ali" Vince smiled as he pointed to the exact same chair I had sat on the first time Legacy was created

I smiled at him before sitting down and I could sense three boys behind me and unlike the start I knew who these boys were.

"WrestleMania is in four weeks. We need promo's. We need Triple H vs Randy Orton promo's, we need Primo and Carlito vs Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase promo's and we need Mickie James vs Ali Flair promo's. How do we do that? Backstage segments, In ring segments, more matches, we need you four to be on the same page" Vince told us. "Also we need you Ali, to hurt any superstar who tries to hurt the boys before their matches. We need that sly, bitch of a manger that will jump on backs to stop her boys from getting hurt. Who will distract the referee so her boys can beat the living hell out of their opponent. We need a bitch."

"That shouldn't be too hard for Ali" I heard Ted mumble.

"Ted" Cody hissed hitting his arm.

"Excuse me?" I asked him.

"Nothing" He murmured as he fell back down into his seat.

"That's what I thought" I hissed not wanting to start any drama.

"What do you mean, that's what you thought?" Ted asked me as he sat back up in his chair.

"You always back out of a fight, you can be a sissy DiBiase" I snapped.

"Me? A sissy? Well at least I don't turn my back on my teammates" Ted spat.

"I wouldn't of had to turn my back on you three if you hadn't of been jackasses to me" I hissed.

"Ali, no one needs to hear your stupid little sob stories" Randy growled from his seat.

"Shut up Orton you're not part of this" I spat at The Viper.

"Yes I am you slut" Randy cursed at me.

"How am I a slut in anyway?" I asked him.

"Oh well I don't know maybe because you go around and have sex with the whole locker room" Randy spat.

"Excuse me, I've slept with one guy from the locker room, so if that makes me a slut, then I'm a slut" I snapped.

"I call bullshit" Ted sang.

"Of course you do" I sighed.

"And back with the bitch" Randy mumbled.

"You know what, I don't have to sit here and listen to you two idiots throw shit at me, I have a match now so Vince if you don't mind, goodbye" I snapped standing up from my chair and storming out the door.

I marched over to gorilla and saw Maryse, Mickie and Gail standing there. Maryse smiled when she saw me walking over. I stood by her side as Mickie and Gail got called out.

"You ready to kick some ass?" Maryse asked me.

"Someone's about to get hurt and trust me it's not you or me" I smiled.

"That's the attitude you need" Maryse grinned.

I smiled at the French diva before I heard a cough behind my back. I turned me head to see Randy, Ted and Cody.

"What do you want?" I growled at them.

"To walk you out" Randy sighed as he scratched the back of his head.

"Fuck off, I don't need you three" I hissed.

"Yes you do" Ted spoke sternly.

"No I don't" I spat before I turned on my heel to walk out with Maryse but someone caught my wrist and turned me around.

"You may not need them, but you need me" Cody whispered. 

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