Tell me that you love me

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"Ali, we can't push anymore" Randy moaned.

"Man up!" I snapped.

"Ali!" Cody warned me.

"What can I do about it?" I asked them.

"A little bit of help would be nice" Ted smirked.

"My ribs" I chuckled.

"I forgot about them, crap" Cody cursed.

"At least call someone to bring us back" Randy pleaded.

"And leave my car here, no" I told them.

"To tow us" Ted added.

"Who, in the name of heavens can tow us?" I asked them.

"I know someone" Cody replied as the boys walked up to the window.

"Who?" I questioned them.

"Mike" Ted spoke,

"Mike?!" I asked as I jumped in my seat.

"Yes Mike" Randy sighed.

"No, no, no, no way" I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Ali, he's the only one come on" Randy begged.

"No, there has to be someone else" I spoke rapidly.

"Ali, please" Ted begged.

"No" I snapped.

"Ali" Cody moaned.

"I am not having my ex boyfriend pick me up no way" I huffed.

"Ali" The three of them moaned.

"No" I refused.

"Do you want to be stuck here all day?" Ted asked me.

"If it means I don't have to see Mike then yes" I snapped.

"And miss Elimination Chamber?" Cody asked me with a smirk.

"Elimination is in two weeks" I waved him off.

"We could be stuck here for two weeks" Ted smirked scaring me.

"Out here all alone" Randy added.

"With the wild animals" Cody chuckled.


"Thank you" Randy smirked as he rang Mike.

I crossed my arms and huffed at the boys. Cody and Ted chuckled at me.

"What are you two laughing at?" I snapped.

"He's just a guy" Ted smiled.

"Do you want to hear my life story again?" I asked him

"Ali we get it, he broke you and he promised not to" Cody started.

"He's not the only one" I mumbled looking away from Cody.

"What?" Ted asked me.

"Nothing" I sighed.

"Ali, tell me" Ted warned me.

"I said nothing, can we just leave it" I snapped at him.

"Fine" Ted scoffed.

I rolled my eyes at him before Randy walked back.

"He's on his way" Randy grinned locking his phone. All it took was one look for Randy to know that something was up.

"What happened?" Randy asked.

"Nothing" I mumbled again.

"Ali, still wants to fight" Ted snapped.

"Shut up" I hissed.

"No, I won't" Ted spat at me.

"And your meant to be the nice one of the group" I scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked me.

"You can be such an ass at time, people think that your the one who stops fights when really your the one who starts them" I growled.

"I'm the one who starts them?!" He asked me.

"Yeah, you've been snapping at me non-stop today" I hissed.

"That's because your being a total bitch about this whole thing" Ted spat at me.

"I'm being a what?" I asked him.

"A BITCH!" He yelled.

I felt my heart break a bit more. Ted looked at me with anger in his eyes. Cody and Randy shocked at what had just happened. I shook my head before getting out my keys.

"Move" I snapped at them.

They all moved back and gave me a confused look. I put in the keys, turned them and the car was working. I looked over to the boys and they were in shock. I glared at them before driving away back to the hotel. I looked into my side mirror and I saw the boys standing there looking at me. My heart sank looking at their faces. I couldn't just pick up and go. I stopped the car and stayed there. I kept looking on the mirror at the boys. A tear escaped my eye as I stopped. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down. My life was going down hill. I wanted to be six feet under. I hated myself.

"Ali?" I heard Cody's voice whisper.

I out the window to face the blue eyed boy that I loved but hated at the same time.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I looked at him. My heart feeling as if it had been ripped right out of my chest and thrown on the ground. I shook my head and let the tears fall.

"Come here" He told me as he opened the door.

I fell on him and let my tears seep through his white shirt. He stroked my hair and held me tight. I wanted to stay in his arm forever. I never wanted to leave. I loved this boy and nothing was going to tell me that I didn't. He was my soul mate, my lover, he was my person and nothing could ever change that.

"Listen to me" He whispered making me look up. "Don't you let anyone tell you that your a bitch, that your not special, no one can say that. Ted was angry, after you left last night he felt bad, he felt like crap, he hated himself Ali. He never wanted you to leave and he never wanted you to feel the way that you do now. He loves you, Randy loves you, I love you" Cody spoke.

He looked at me. The look in his eyes told me that he wasn't lying. He loved me and that nothing could change that. I was in total awe. He loved me. Cody Rhodes loved me.

"Please say something" Cody begged.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I was stuck. I need his help.

"Tell me that you love me" He whispered.

"I love you" I whispered back before his lips crashed on to mine.

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