Don't lie to me

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I sat across from him in the locker room, on my phone not paying any attention to him. He knew something was wrong with me, but he didn'r even cop on to what it was. Ted and Randy knew that I pissed at him, I mean he played me, he took be out on a date, he even told me himself that it was a date and then as soon as we got back to the hotel he gets this text from some girl who he likes. He didin't even speak to me after he got that text. It was like I was invisible.

"Ali, I heard that Fall Out Boy are going to come in a meet us" Randy smiled at me, trying to make me happy"

"Great" I mumbled not even looking up.

"Your gonna get to meet your favorite band, Ali" Ted smiled.

"Yay" I stated obviously un-amused.

"I'm gonna get Eve" Ted murmured standing up and walking towards a door.

"Why?" I hissed at him.

"Ali, you need to talk to some one and Eve's your best friend" Ted told me.

"I don't need to talk to anyone, I'm fine" I spat at him.

"Ali, yes you do" Randy chimed in.

"No I don't, so sit your ass back down in that damn chair and go over what's happening tonight" I warned him.

He sat back down and I could see Cody looking at me. He didn't look worried, like the other guys were, but he didn't look too pleased with me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him, anger in my voice.

"You" He murmured.

"Well, take a picture, It'll last longer" I hissed at him.

"All ready have one" He replied holding up his phone.

"Cody, stop being a cheeky little brat, and you and text that girl that your in love with" I spat at him.

"Don't really feel like it" He shrugged causing my body to boil up in anger.

"You can be a bastard sometimes you know that" I snapped at him.

"And you can be a bitch" He replied.

"At least I'm not a player" I spat at him.

"I'm not a player" He snapped back at me.

"Yes you are" I hissed.

"Guy's stop it" Ted warned us.

"Shut up, Ted, how am I a player?" He asked me.

"Guy's seriously stop" Randy added.

"Randy shut your mouth, you go out with a girl and then five seconds later you get a text off this girl not even noting that she's still with you" I yelled at him.

Cody looked at me. He was clearly pissed and he could finally see why I wouldn't talk to him.

"Get out" He spat at Ted and Randy.

"But we.." Ted started.

"GET OUT" He yelled.

Ted and Randy left the room. Cody slammed the door shut before locking it.

"What do you want to play me some more by having sex?" I spat at him.

"Ali, shut it" He snapped walking towards me.

"God no I have so much that I wanna get of my system" I smirked.

"Oh so is one of them keeping secrets from me?" He asked me.

"What, no" I yelled at him.

"Ali, don't lie to me" He hissed.

"I'm not lying!" I snapped back at him, I was on my feet and I was facing him now.

"Yes you are" He spat at me.

"What am I lying about?" I asked him.

"Why don't you just say it!" He yelled at me walking away and running his hands through his hair.

"Say what?" I yelled back at him.

"Oh come on Ali, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about" He hissed.

"Cody, I swear I don't know what your talking about!" I snapped back at him.

"ALI, JUST SAY IT ALREADY!" He yelled at me.

"SAY WHAT?" I yelled back.

"THAT YOU LOVE ME!" He screamed causing me to stop.

"What?" I asked him.

"I heard you the other night, in the closet with Randy and Ted, I heard every single word" He  explained to me.

"You did?" I asked him as he sat down.

"Yeah, I did" He replied as he put his hands in his head.

I stood there looking at him. He had heard but yet he didn't say anything about it. He had knew the whole time, and I fell for it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked me as he looked up.

"Because I know that you don't love me back" I replied tears forming in my eyes.

"So you can tell if I love you or not?" He asked me.

"Well Cody you don't, I mean you've been texting this girl, you only love me as a friend" I yelled tears falling down my face.

"Who? Brandi?" He replied.

"Who's Brandi?" I asked him.

"She's a long-time friend of mine who I haven't seen in a while, she's coming over soon to see me" He told me.

"Then why does Ted call her the girl you like?" I asked him.

"She's my ex, we used to date until, she had to move cities, she still is one of my best friends" He told me.

"You still don't love me" I replied.

"How do you know that?" He asked me.

"I see the way you look at all the divas, you like all of them, you don't care about me!" I yelled at him.

"So it's never crossed your mind that I might love you?" He yelled at me standing back up.

"No, Cody it hasn't because you will never look at me the way you look at the other girls, you won't hold me the way you held Maria, you don't look at me as a girl, you look at me as a guy" I shouted at him.

"I do all that stuff because your special okay, I mean yeah I don't look at you the way I look at other divas because I know how much damage your heart has been through, Ali. I know you fall for boys so quickly, I didn't show any affection for you because I didn't want you to fall and then break if I made one mistake like I've done" He yelled back at me.

"Cody..I-" I started before he pulled me in for a kiss. 

This kiss wasn't like what had happened in the ring, this kiss was different this kiss felt special, this kiss made me feel loved. He pulled away before looking into my eyes.

"Don't tell anyone" He told me.

I nodded before he kissed my head and walked towards the door. He looked back at me and winked at me. He walked out and I sat down. Cody Rhodes had just kissed me.

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