Locking Lips

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"I KNEW IT I JUST KNEW IT!" Nikki yelled in joy as I told her about my little crush on Cody.

"Nicole, no you didn't know" Brie shook her head at her twin.

"How do you know Brianna?" Nicole spat.

"You know it's serious when they call each other Nicole and Brianna" Eve joked making us all laugh.

"That's so cute, you like Cody" Brie squealed.

"You sound like Charlotte" I chuckled.

"Sure everyone sounds like Charlotte" Eve smiled.

"True" I smiled.

"So have you talked to him?" Nikki asked me poking my side.

"Not yet" I giggled trying to get her off me.

"Well your gonna have to face him tonight anyway" Eve smirked.

"Why?" I asked scared by Eve's smirk.

"Didn't you see the match board?" Brie asked me.

"No why?" I questioned.

"You have a tag match tonight" Nikki smiled.

"With who?" I asked now concerned.

"Cody" Eve giggled.

"What..." I mumbled.

"You and Cody with Ted and Randy in your corner vs Kelly and Rey Mysterio" Nikki smirked.

"Oh no" I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Eve asked me.

"It's a tag match, right" I asked them.


"Well to get in and out of the match you have to tag in your partner, and to do the you have to touch hands" I sighed making Eve, Brie and Nikki smiled.


"That's gonna be so cute!" Brie smiled.

"No it ain't, I'm probably gonna faint when he touches my hand!" I yelled.

"Awh, you really like him don't you?" Eve asked me.

"I'm falling in love with him" I murmured.

"Your what?!" Nikki, Brie and Eve all yelled at the same time at me.

"I'm falling in love with him" I repeated.

"How?" Eve asked me.

"I don't know, but this 'crush' I have is much more than just a 'crush', it's bigger" I yelled.

"Who do have a crush on now?" 

I turned around to face him. I turned around to face Cody with Randy and Ted standing behind him. 

"Oh, eh no one, just some celebrity" I lied.

"Well you must really like this guy" Cody smiled.

"Yeah, yeah I really do" I smiled back.

"We'll see you after your match, Ali" Eve said before she and the other girls hugged me goodbye.

I held on to Eve's hand.

"Please" I whispered under my breath.

"Ali, let, go, let go" She murmured shaking her hand from my hold.

She got out before walking out the door with Nikki and Brie. I sighed and closed my eyes before opening them to face my three boys. 

"You okay?" Ted asked me.

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