I was born a champion

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A week later my pipebomb about how Cody was an asshole was the number one most searched video on WWE.com. We'd got the number one spot on the TV ratings and all this was because I lost my temper live on international TV. All the men in the locker room finally started to respect the divas because they knew that we could all blow up like that and embarrass them.

"I actually can't wait for the next match" Jerry grinned as the camera went from John Cena standing on the top ropes to the announcers.

"Of course you can't" Booker chuckled.

"This match shouldn't even be on TV" Micheal complained.

"Oh shut up Cole" Jerry snapped.

"Up next we have Team Ali vs Team Mickie" Booker explained as a picture of myself and Mickie appeared on the screen with six other divas behind us.

To be real the match was just face divas vs heel divas. I was the leader of the heel divas. On Mickie's team was Gail Kim, Brie, Nikki, Eve, Kelly Kelly, Maria and herself. My team consisted of Layla, Michelle, Jillian Hall, Maryse, Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix and myself. This match was going to be a bloodbath. Not just because if Mickie pins me it'll be one win to one win but the boys came out earlier on and stated that they would be out to watch this match. There actual plan was to try and distract me so that I would lose. Boys will be boys.

"You ready to lose?" Eve asked me with a chuckle.

"Nah, I'm ready to win bitch" I giggled.

"In your dreams sugar" Brie smiled.

"We're gonna win doll" Michelle grinned.

"No honey Team Mickie is gonna win" Nikki smiled.

"It's all about Team Ali boo" Layla laughed.

"We'll see" Eve smirked before their team was called out.

"Get in here Team Ali" I yelled as they all gathered around me. "You girls ready to kick some ass?"

"Hell yeah!"

"That's the spirit, now Team Ali on three" I giggled as we all put our hands in.

"What ever happened to Team Legacy?" Randy smirked from behind me.

"Three male members turned into complete assholes" I snapped.

"There's no need to be like that babe" Ted chuckled.

"Don't you babe me" I hissed.

"Come on hot stuff lighten up" Cody smirked.

"You shut your mouth you bastard" I spat before my team was called out.

"Good luck out there" Randy called.

"Go fuck yourself" I snapped before I walked up the steps and towards the curtain.

"And their opponents, the team of Jillian Hall, Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix, Maryse, Layla, Michelle McCool and Ali Flair, Team Ali" Justin Roberts announced as I walked towards the ring with the girls behind me. I glared at Mickie as she stroked her title that sat on her shoulder. I made my way into the ring just before Randy's music started to play. I rolled my eyes as I looked up at the top of the ramp to see the three dicks I used to call my team mates. They entered the ring and stood in front of me in the middle of the ring as the girls all walked to their corners. I stood with the boys and glared at all three of them. Randy called for a microphone as he held some shirt in his hands.

"You forgot something" Randy smirked as he held up my Legacy shirt.

I rolled my eyes before he threw it in my face before leaving the ring and sitting down in the chair that was left for him and the other two idiots. I shook my head at them and I threw the shirt out of the ring and looked at Gail Kim. Oh this poor women was about to get a beat down.


"And your winners Team Ali!" Justin Roberts announced as Maryse had pinned Maria. The rest of us divas were outside the ring beating the crap out of each other as you do. I laughed as Maryse's hand was raised in victory.

"Winning" I sang as Gail Kim helped Mickie up and the others rolled Maria out of the ring. I smiled as my hand was raised before my eyes found Randy, Ted and Cody. Randy was standing up and he was actually clapping...for someone else. I rolled my eyes as he started walking towards the steps. I sent the other divas out as Cody and Ted stood up with their titles. Randy waited for Cody and Ted to join him before he started to speak.

"About this time last week you had a little fit in the ring about how Cody here was a crappy boyfriend, do you remember that Ali? I remember it, do you guys remember it?" Randy asked the WWE Universe. "But you had also pinned Mickie James last week. The Divas Champion. Just there your team beat her team, I do hope you know what that means."

"Oh I know what that means Orton" I snapped.

"You know, I know, Ted knows, Cody knows, but they don't know. That means in three weeks you will be able to hold up the divas title and look down at a beaten Mickie James and we want to be able to see that" Randy spoke. "You see I'll win the WWE Championship off Triple H, the boys will retain their titles and you my darling will be the new Divas Champion. We could take over this place. The thing is we're not on the same page. We need to be on the same page. Do you remember that feeling you had at the Royal Rumble? The victory? We could feel that every single day if we're on the same page."

"Listen here Orton, I'm not really happy with you three and I'm gonna tell you and all these people here why. You have no respect for anyone in the WWE. All you care about is Randy Orton, all you care about is Ted DiBiase jr, all you care about is Cody Rhodes...but to be able to survive here you have to care for yourself, you have to be selfish. Caring for Mickie James won't get me the divas and title and caring for all you damn people most definitely won't get me the divas title. I mean just look at John Cena. All he cares about are you idiots but that's why he lost his title at Elimination Chamber. He only cared for you idiots. Then there's people like Randy Orton. He cares for himself and that is how you become the number one contender for the WWE Championship. You care for you and only you and a team cares for the team. How many titles we can get, how long we can keep the titles and that is exactly what you three are thinking. Legacy will take over his place and there is not a damn thing that you fools or anyone else can do."

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