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"I need no one" I hissed as I finally got my hand out of Cody's strong grip.

I looked over at Maryse as we made our way up the steps and to the curtain.

"You ready?" She asked me.

"Yeah" I nodded as the lyrics to 'I don't care' by Fall Out Boy blared throughout the arena causing boo's to erupt.

"And their opponents the team of Maryse and Ali Flair" Justin Roberts announced as we received more boo's from the WWE Universe. I looked into the ring to see Gail Kim and Mickie James standing beside each other. The divas title sat on Mickies waist and it soon would be sitting on mine. We jumped into the ring before the bell rang. It started off with Maryse and Mickie.

The two women locked up in the middle of the ring until Mickie pushed Maryse over. Mickie smirked at the french Canadian who stood back up and gave Mickie a push. I laughed as the divas champion sat on the ground and glared at Maryse who was flipping her hair.

Mickie got back up and ran straight for Maryse knocking her over and getting a huge cheer from the crowd. I rolled my eyes at them as Mickie picked up Maryse by her blonde locks and threw her against the ropes. Mickie tried to clothesline Maryse but Maryse ducked it before tagging me in.

The crowd started to boo as myself and Maryse smirked at Mickie who crossed her arms as I entered the ring. Mickie and I started to circle the ring and as we were about to lock up I got a little suprize.

I hear voice in my head, they talk to me, they understand, they talk to me, the talk to me.

I put my hands on my hips and shook my head as I looked down at the ramp. Cody, Ted and Randy walked out. They stopped at the top and looked around before they all looked back at me. I shook my head at them as they started to walk down the ramp. Randy smirked at me as they got to the bottom of the ramp. I slowly walked over the ropes and stood on the bottom one so I could balance myself to yell at them.


Instead of a reply I got a chuckle of Ted and Randy and a smirk of Cody.

"You need us sweetie" Randy smirked.

"I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN!" I screamed before I heard Mickie running towards me. I bent down and pulled the ropes with me. I sent her flying over to the ropes and right under the boys. I smirked at them as Randy gave me a nod before the three men walked around the ring and over to the announce table. Instead of sitting with Cole, Lawlor and Booker, the boys took three steal chairs and placed them beside the table. They sat back and Randy raised his arms and said,

"Show us what you've got."

I tore my eyes from the boys to Mickie who was making it back to her feet. I jumped out of the ring and grabbed Mickie throwing her into the barricade. I screamed as I picked her up again and threw her back into the ring before hoping in myself. From that point on it was just my anger being taken out on Mickie and Gail. Maryse was hurting them too, but not as bad as I was. I couldn't stand the boys at the moment. They think that it's okay to piss me off in front of the boss and then try to come and say sorry. After all that they think that they can say that I need them. I wanted to beat the shit out of them. They are just assholes.

Maryse tagged me in after beating the crap out of Mickie. I was going to end this and show the WWE Universe, Vince, all the divas and the boys that I was going to be champion and nothing could ever stop me. I walked around Mickie before bending down and picking her up by her hair.

"You're looking at the future WWE Divas Champion" I hissed before hitting her with The Wonder.




I stood up as Maryse entered the ring again. The referee took our hands and raised them up into the air. I looked down at Mickie who was lying on the ground and Gail who was lying outside the ring. My eyes went from the girls to three boys who were standing and clapping for us, mainly me but for Maryse too.

I shook my head at them as the walked up the steps to the ring. Maryse backed away on my demand and walked back to the locker room. I put my hands on my hips as Randy brought a microphone up to his lips.

"Look like we'll have a new WWE Divas Champion come WrestleMania  " Randy smirked getting a boo from the crowd. "I know you don't like to hear it but Ali will be the champion and you idiots will just have to face it."

"Why don't you just tell them already?" I asked Randy with anger in my tone.

"Excuse me?" Randy asked me.

"Who are you Vickie Gurreo now? You know what I'm talking about" I spat.

"Oh you're talking about that fact that you need us to win" Randy chuckled.

"Yes Randy, I really need you three to win, are you stupid?" I hissed getting a cheer from the crowd for the first time in a few months.

"Am I stupid? Well at least I didn't make someone promise that they wouldn't break me and then at least thirty minutes later they broke me" Randy smirked.

My eyes fell on Cody who had lost all colour in his face. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. I felt as if I was about to throw up on top of Randy.

"Yes ladies and gentlemen, little Ali here got her heart broken by Mr Cody Rhodes" Randy announced.

"Randy shut up" Cody snapped.

Randy ignored Cody and went on.

"Do you have anything to say to Cody? Anything?" Randy asked me before I grabbed the microphone from him.

"You never cared for me. You never bought me flowers, never held me in my darkest hours and you left it so late the my heart feels nothing at all. Once we were made like towers, everything could of been ours, but you left it too late and my heart feels nothing" I spat before dropping the microphone at Cody's feet and stormed back to locker room.

The thing about what I said to Cody, I meant none of it.

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