18. Wicked Game

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"It's strange what desire will make foolish people do; I never dreamed I'd need somebody like you." 

Song: Wicked Game

Artist: James Vincent McMorrow

If you haven't heard this song, look it up because it's too beautiful not to :) 

It was nearly 10 pm on Sunday night as I soaked in the steaming bathtub, attempting to relax my tense body and distract myself from constantly checking my phone.  I had been a nervous wreck, pacing around my room nonstop waiting for Harry to call and make plans for our date.  My stomach was twisted into knots and I actually was starting to make myself sick because I was so worried he would change his mind and bail, deciding he didn’t have it in him to go through with it or he wasn’t actually interested enough in me to put forth that much effort. 

Maggie had rolled her eyes at me as she caught me several times obsessively checking my phone, practically running from room to room because I had been unable to sit still for more than a few seconds.  I had finally decided to take a bath after she had told me that I was actually stressing her out and that I was going to give myself an ulcer. 

The steaming water was helping a little, but I still found it difficult to sit still as I let the vapor drift up around me as it broke through the thin layer of bubbles that settled on the surface.  My fingers were practically itching to check my phone, which I had been unable to leave in my room as Maggie had suggested.  It was constantly in my line of vision as it sat on the closed toilet seat next to me, and I couldn’t stop my eyes from darting to it every few seconds, begging it to ring.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall, willing myself to melt into the tub and release some of the anxiety coursing through my veins.  He’d call.  He said he would, and he’d kissed me goodbye; he would call.  I just had to be patient. 

As if on cue, my phone buzzed next to me, the vibration against the surface echoing around the bathroom.  Water splashed down to the floor as I jumped in the tub, my arms flying up frantically against my will and clutching at a towel to dry them quickly before grabbing my phone.  Adrenaline flashed through me and I almost squealed happily as I saw Harry’s name flash up on the screen.  It wasn’t ideal that he called while I was in the tub, but I wasn’t going to miss his call for anything.  I waited for the water to stop sloshing so loudly before I slid my thumb across the screen to answer.

“Hello?” I said, wincing at the breathless tone of my voice.  Could I for once actually sound like I had it together?

“Hey,” he said, his voice deep and raspy on the other end of the phone.  “What are you doing?”

“Um, nothing,” I lied, not wanting to admit I’d answered his call while I was in the bath.  It occurred to me that we had promised not to lie to each other, but that hardly counted.  I attempted to sit up further, keeping my phone away from the damaging water but slipped, my body sliding down a few more inches in the water, which sloshed loudly.  I cringed and hoped he hadn’t heard.

“What was that?” he asked.

That’s what you get for lying, Halle.

“It was… I’m in the tub,” I admitted, pressing my fingers into my temple, beyond thankful he couldn’t see my face.  He let out an audible groan that made me shiver as the tone worked it’s way through my body. 

“Are you serious?” he said, his voice laced with frustration.  “You’re killing me.”

I laughed guiltily. “How?”

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