Jersey // Christian Yelich

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*I'm all up in my Yelich feels cause we won't hear from him until Spring Training*
(Y/N)'s POV
"Baaaaabe let's go" Can he chill out? It's barely 11 he has an hour until he needs to be at the park
"Calmate " , I yell back. "Seriously!" I jump back not realizing he's in the room. "Oh my god, what the hell babe" He gives me a disapproving look. "What?" Christian points to my jersey on the bed. It's Stanton's number. "Really? You're wearing that?" I sigh. I always wear his jersey, I got to support my other boys too. "It's G's jersey relax" , I say. "Just a jersey" He mumbles. Green doesn't suit him really well. I walk out of the room and into the kitchen to get water before we leave. "We're not leaving", he says following me. "Christian are you serious? It's a jersey for the love of god!" He snaps back, "But it's not mine. Do you know what people will think when they see my girlfriend wearing my friend's jersey and not mine!" Is he seriously getting pissed over this. "I'm not changing and we're leaving end of discussion" I was about to go get the keys before I'm swept off my feet and thrown over his shoulder. "Put me down! Christian I'm serious! Put me down now!" I'm hitting his back and he's not budging. "How about no? Honestly hitting me doesn't even hurt." I'm getting fired up. "You're going to regret this" Before I can quickly speak up I'm tossed on the bed. Christian gets on top of me "Get your fat ass off of me!Oh wait you don't have one!" He doesn't budge. "I'm not moving until you put my jersey on" Okay now he's really being a dumbass. "Really? Oh my god! ITS A JERSEY" He looks down at me giving me a "who do you think you're talking to?" "But you're mine! And everyone needs to know that!" In my head I'm thinking he's made that pretty clear. Whenever another player comes up to me he shows up and has his arm around me. He kisses me when he thinks a guy is getting too bold. He makes it pretty damn obvious. "I'll say it again, Get. Off. Of . Me!" I give him an irritating look. "And I'll say it again. Not until you put on my jersey." By this time are faces are close. "You know if you weren't being overdramatic, I'd kiss you right now, but nope" I turn my head to the side. "Is that so?" I feel his breathe on my ear. He slowly starts kissing my neck. "Stop it!" I say quickly trying to push him off me. "Don't deny it, you love me" , He says. After what seems like hours of this, I finally give up. "Fine, I give up I'll wear your stupid jersey" He laughs, "And enjoy your new marking" I quickly get up and look in the mirror. That little douche left a hickey. Just great., now I'll never hear the end of it.

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