BedRock // Kris Bryant

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Honestly have mixed emotions about this on wether or not to post it but please give me your feedback!
I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively at Kris, pointing at the information sign. "Have you read that?" I ask smirking.
"What (Y/N)?" He asks, hanging one arm over my shoulders as we both admire the furniture.
"Hard surface- 85% less likely to break under heavy pressure," I nudge his side with my elbow and his body jerks away as he chuckles.
"What are you suggesting?" Kris asks, humor laced in his voice.
"Just that if we bought this set, if we decided to do some, lets say, risky activity that may involve a piece of furniture this one will have a higher chance of not breaking," I raise an eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes.
"(Y/N),I hate to say that if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me," I laugh, my arm that's around his waist pulls him closer against me, my hand gently tracing his hip through his t-shirt.
"You know me too well," He laughs, my head falling to rest against his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head as the salesman we previously talked to comes back.
"I just checked the stock and we can have it delivered within the week if you still want it?" he asks, looking between us.
Kris looks down at me, biting his lip. I wink and he grins. "We'll take it," He says quickly walking over with the man to the counter to arrange details and payment.
"It's getting delivered on Thursday," He says a few minutes later walking over. I turn to look back at the dining table we just chose.
"I can take off work if you want?" I ask, entwining our hands and rubbing his thumb gently.
"I'm pretty sure we have homes games that week anyway if you really don't want to stay home,BP starts later since they're night games," Kris says grinning.
"I kinda want to be there when our first piece of furniture arrives that we bought together," I say hopefully.
"Take it off," He says shrugging, the sliding doors closing behind us as we make our way to the car.
I gasp. "Kris! We're in public, honestly," I scold him sarcastically as he gives me a 'are you serious' look. I giggle pulling the passenger door open.
"You love it," I say once he's in the car as well, starting the car.
"Yeah, yeah, mistake on my part,"
"Take that back," I laugh, He said giving in and chuckling as well.
"Sorry baby," He says pouting at me.
"You're forgiven as long as when we get home we can take part in the risky activity I mentioned before,"
He simply laughs, his eyes crinkling.
"What ever you want, (Y/N), what ever you want." I turn on the radio and I immediately start screaming the lyrics.
"Oh baby, I be stuck to you like glue baby, Wanna spend it all on you baby, My room is the G Spot. Call me Mr. Flintstone I can make your bed -"
Kris cuts of the music , I was about to say something when he says  "With that new bed. Baby I'll definitely make your bed rock"  Finishing that with his signature smirk...

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