Distance // Christian Yelich

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I wrote this during the Semi-Finals and I finally finished it, Please let me know if y'all enjoy it!
You were brutally pulled away from your rather heavy sleeping when an annoying buzzing sounded from the bedside table. You pushed up your heavy, sleepy body with your elbows, looking around the dark room.
You rubbed your sore eyes quickly, before gazing over at the clock. 4:23 AM.
Who on earth calls at this time of the freaking hour?
Somehow, you gathered enough strength to reach out for the phone beside you. Your eyes were too blurry to see the name on the screen.
"Hello?" You mumbled. Not sure if you were actually fully awake or not.
"Babe?" his voice sounded. The tone in his cut through to you immediately.
"Christian?" you gasped, more awake now.
"Did I wake you up?" he almost whispered.
Something was off, this didn't seem right, but you couldn't really put your finger on why you thought so. His voice just sounded different.
"It's four in the morning, your question is stupid" you said.
It wasn't to be rude or anything, it was just the truth. The other end went silent,the only thing you could really hear was his heavy breathing.
"Baby, what's wrong?" You asked, getting more worried.
He was still grinding out the WBC and still on the West Coast so his time zone was different from yours. He never stayed up late while he was away. He always wanted to be well rested, so he could be the best player possible, so he never let down his team.
Christian didn't answer your question, which made your stomach twist.
"Christian, what's going on?" You spoke, once again. You heard a loud sigh, but no words.
"Babe, you're worrying me" You whispered.
You hated when he was upset ,which he clearly was right now, but what you hated even more, was when he didn't tell you what bothered him. That's the only thing you disliked about Christian. He always keeps his emotions to himself. He always wants to handle it himself so he doesn't have to worry anyone. In the three years you've been together, it was the thing, you'd struggle with the most. Getting him to open up to you. The fact that he even called while feeling down, was a victory in a way.
You let your fingertips run across the sheets, waiting nervously for him to speak, but you quickly realized he wasn't going to.
"Please..." This time you were almost begging him.
"I'm sorry love, I shouldn't have called"
"Christian, don't make me get up right now and fly across the freaking country, just to hit you for not talking to me. It's much easier if you just talk to me now" You said, almost daring him. He knew you'd do it.
A little laugh slipped out of his mouth, which made a smile appear on your lips as well. It wasn't as bad as you thought then.
"You're bossy tonight, I like it" he joked.
"And you're avoiding talking to me" you snapped back.
"I don't want to push my problems onto you" he whispered.
His words almost broke your heart. You honestly wanted him to open up and share his feelings. You wanted every possible part of him because that is how much you love him.
"Your problems are my problems. What's going on?"
"I don't even know, baby. I just-" He was stuttering massively with his own words. You waited patiently for him to continue.
"Like, I love this, you know I do. I love playing, I love my team. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world"
"I know that. They know that, Christian" You calmed him.
"I just... sometimes I get so restless while away. I can't sleep. Sometimes, I don't even feel like eating, I just wanna..." His voices died off at the end.
You sighted in pain. You wish, you could reach out for his hand right now and give it a little but comforting squeeze. You wish, you could let your hand stroke his cheek to calm him down. Really, that was the only thing on your mind right now.
"You get homesick, baby. And that's okay. That's understandable."
"But I don't want to be ungrateful"
"Oh babe, you're not. I don't think anyone has any doubt, that you appreciate this opportunity very much. Everyone knows you feel blessed. But it's okay to miss home anyways. It's okay to miss your friends and your family-"
"And you" he interrupted.
He made your cheeks burn with his words and the kid wasn't even here. You genuinely didn't believe, he even knows the power he has over you.
"I miss you too"
"All I want right now is to cuddle with you" he whined, before sighing.
"I wish, I could be there for you baby, but just hold on one more day" You whispered back.
You felt guilty, though you knew, you really shouldn't. You couldn't go with him every time, but you tried your hardest to make it out there for the Finals, but work was holding you back.
"I guess, I get overwhelmed sometimes" he spoke.
You knew, he was probably talking more to himself, than he was really talking to you. He did that a lot when talking about his feelings.
Sometimes, when he didn't know how to put words on what he felt like, he would talk to you, but really, he was calming himself down, trying to figure out, what was actually going on inside his head.
"That's okay, Christian. Everyone struggles sometimes, even if we're doing something we love. Struggling is just a part of life and you shouldn't be feeling guilty for missing home. Not ever. Your team is amazing, they understand"
"You think so?"
"I know so. They love you Christian, I'm sure they can imagine how hard it must be, to be separated with the people you love for such a long time. They would never judge you for that" You tried.
And with your words right there, you think, you hit the nerve to this problem. He was afraid they'd judge him for feeling like this. He was afraid, they would take it as if, he didn't appreciate them, if he missed home or felt sad once in a while when he was away.
Sometimes you don't think he truly realizes, just how supportive his team really is. They would never get angry with him for something like that. Actually, you were certain, that if they knew how he was feeling right now, they would be the first once telling him to take a break.
"Baby, it's okay. It will be better in the morning, I promise. Everything is always better in the morning"
"I know it will be. Maybe I should call my mom, that usually helps"
"That's a good idea. You might want to wait a bit. At least until the sun comes out" You spoke, trying to joke a little. A laughter slipped out of his lips. It eased up the tension.
"Yeah, you're probably right" he laughed.
"Are you okay?" You gasped.
"Much better now than before" he exhaled.
"Is there anything you want me to do?" You asked.
"No, you already did enough"
"What do you mean?" You wondered.
"Talking to you feels like home. I'm better now"
"Baby, I miss you so much" You said, feeling a little lump in your stomach.
"I know, me too" he sighted. You could almost see, how he'd probably close his eyes, before taking in a deep breath.
"You just have play that game and then hurry your little ass back home to me" You said, feeling a smile grow on your lips by the thought of him.
"Soon baby, soon. Then my little ass will be all yours" Christian teased you.
It made you bite your lip just thinking about it. Finally having Christian home, hopefully naked and back in your bed. "I'll be looking forward to that" You panted. "You do that baby, you do that" he teased even more. "I'll let you sleep now, darling. Thanks for calming me down" he said.
"Always baby" You whispered back.
"See you soon" Christian hung up the phone, as you dropped back down in the bed.
You gazed over at the clock. Only twenty-three hours and seven minutes before you get to see him again.

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