Just a little late // Eric Hosmer

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" Babe where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere very special to my heart"
I couldn't help but stare at my boyfriend Eric. He always has to do the most, but it's absolutely adorable. "And here we are"
I look at the window... Its the first place we met. The baseball stadium... "Oh my god... Eric". He just looks at me. We spent the night watching the stars enjoying a picnic Eric had packed. As soon as we got home, we made love and it was something special.
Lately Eric has been away for road trips and its been getting frustrating, Call me clingy but I miss his company. Every time I call him, he's always busy, I know he gets my text messages, but I miss him, I miss hearing his voice.I've also been getting morning sickness, I think I'm catching something.  I'm just happy he's finally come home today. I'm currently waiting for him at the airport. Excitement fills me as I see him heading out the gate. I quickly start running towards him and he sees me. His eyes light up and he quickly rushes towards the last 2 ft between me and picks me up, spinning me. "I've miss you babygirl" "Ugh I've missed you more than you know". We head home and the first thing Eric does is throw his luggage by the door and hop on the couch. Interesting. Its pretty late so I decide to cook dinner. As I'm cooking Eric comes in and grabs chips. "Eric really I'm cooking dinner" "What, I'm hungry" I just shake my head and continue cooking the food. As dinner almost done, I walk out the kitchen to go check on him. As I turn the corner, I trip over something. Its his shoe. "Fuck Eric pick up your shoes, I could have killed myself" "Oh my god Camille its a shoe , relax" Getting up I just walk back to the kitchen. What's up with him??
Its been a month now and things have been rocky. Constant fighting over senseless things. I'm at his game and their loosing to the White Sox 6-0. After the game we head home and its silent. "Babe are you good?" He just ignores me and stares at the traffic we're stuck. "Eric?" Nothing. "Eric talk to me" That's when he snaps. "Dammit Camille its pretty fucking obvious I don't want to talk. You've been up my ass since I've gotten home. Fuck shut up and stop being so fucking clingy. Leave me alone" Did he just?? I roll my eyes, fighting tears and look out the window. We finally get home and he starts packing...
2 year Later
Its been 2 year and 3 months since I've seen Eric. After he left, I found out I was pregnant. His family is still apart of my life and they helped me throughout the pregnancy. I never told Eric because I didn't want to ruin his career or whatever. I had a little girl. Erica Aylin , I'm giving her his last name but I kept it secret from his family and mine. She's 1 1/2 years old and she's my everything. She definitely reminds of Eric in her facial expressions and her eyes. Its opening day and I promised his parents I'd go. It was going to be weird, but I don't know what I'd do without them. We head to the park and Erica is wearing a mini Hosmer Jersey courtesy of her Nana. We're walking towards BP and I see him... His mom calls him and he comes over. "Hey Mom I've missed you and who is-" I turn around. "Camille! oh my god  what are you-" He's quickly cut off by Erica running towards me "mama " Eric looks down at her in awe. I pick Erica up and rest her on my side. "Dada" He looks at her, hesitantly. "Is she?" I shake my head and tears form in my eyes. He asks to hold her and she reluctantly goes to him. She rests her head on his shoulder and he instantly fell in love with her. It was just a little late.

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