Surprise Return // Ian Kinsler

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Your P.O.V.
I miss him. I miss Ian so much every single day when he is away, but I have to go on and pretend that I don't. I cannot allow my life to be put on pause until he returns from roadtrips every time. I have to be happy. I have to be positive. He is doing what he loves to do, and I love to see him do it and make his dreams come true.
I hear my text notification buzz next to me on my bed where I am currently sat doing homework, so I reach for my phone and unlock it to find out who is trying to talk to me.
Babe🔐⚾️: "Hey Sweetheart! I just got ready and heading out with the boys for dinner. Call me later?"
I feel a smile spread right across my face when I read this text. Ian's 12 game road trip is coming to an end, and he is making sure that I stay updated on where he is and where he's going. He will be coming back home soon and I couldn't be more excited. I need to plan something nice for when he gets home, so that he has a surprise to welcome him back.
(Y/N): "Hi! You did good today! I'm proud of you and I cannot wait to see you . Have a great time with your boys babe, and I will see you soon enough, and call you later too. Xxx"

I look at the clock and see that the time is 10pm, so I decide that I want to change into my pajamas to be more comfortable, and clear my bed of all of the homework and revision books that I had been using before I received the text from Ian. I want to get an early night so that tomorrow will come around even quicker. Also, so that I can stay up late talking to him, and he can tell me about his day. So I quickly get changed, take my make up off and turn the main light off in my room so that I can get into bed. I turn on my phone once more just to check social media and other applications on my phone, and then turn it off so that I can relax and get a great sleep.
Ian's P.O.V.
I feel so bad for lying to (Y/N), but I know it will be worth it when I see her reaction when I walk through her bedroom door. I'm not in Philly. I'm actually right outside her bedroom waiting for her to get off of her phone so that I can enter when it's pitch black inside. Suddenly, her light turns out and I prepare for her surprise. I hate leaving her as much as she hates waiting for me to return, so when I am around, I want to do everything in my power to show her how much I love her and make it up to her.
I slowly push open the door, being careful for it not to creak loudly and ruin the whole surprise that I have planned for (Y/N). I successfully open the door and tiptoe into her room ready to happily surprise her. My eyes adjust gradually to the darkness and I see her beautiful face resting against her feather pillow.  She looks so peaceful – but I need to wake her up in order to surprise her.
"(Y/N)?...", I gently tap (Y/N) and shake her shoulder in the attempt to wake her up but not to startle her. "(Y/N), Baby it's me..."
Your P.O.V.
My eyes start to slightly open and I am confused as to what is in my bedroom attempting to wake me up. "(Y/N) hello it's me..." I recognise that voice. It's music to my ears. It's the voice that I have been waiting and waiting to hear for what seems like years. It's Ian. All of a sudden, I have a burst of energy that enables me to hastily open my eyes and see him standing there in my room in the darkness. Am I dreaming?
"Hey babygirl, surprise!" Ian says to me in a happy voice. I sit up in my navy blue double bed and say, "Oh my God. Ian! What are you doing here?" "I'm surprising you (Y/N). You have no idea how much I missed you when I was away... These are for you." From behind his back he pulls out a bouquet of flowers and a box of my favourite chocolates. "You didn't have to do that babe!" I tell him rather surprised. "I wanted to, because you deserve it."
I jump out of bed and run over to my bedroom door where the light switch is located and hurriedly turn the lights on. I run back over to Ian, and he already knows what I am going to do before I reach him. He opens up his muscular arms, and I run and jump up into them, wrapping my legs around his waist. He gazes into my eyes and uses one of his hands to run his fingers through my loose and partially tangled hair. "Why do you have to look so beautiful without even trying? I can't handle it (Y/N)." I laugh at his compliment, knowing that he is just being silly and cute. However, I can't help but grin at him, wondering how I got to be so lucky to have such a lovely and considerate boyfriend.

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