No 19- Sick day

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Alex's POV 

I looked over noticing Keegan didn't have any food and he wasn't eating. To come t think about it i've only seen him eat a few times since living with him. He's really skinny and he needs to start eating more. 

"Keeg's why aren't you eating" I asked softly breaking him from his thoughts. "Im not hungry" suddenly his stomach growls loudly catching all of our gazes. 

He grew red and sunk in his chair. "Hungry Keegan?" Callum chuckled and slid his tray of food over to Keegan. I grew rather annoyed from his action.

He shook his head "I need to go to the bathroom" he suddenly rushed out of his seat and ran out the cafeteria. What's he's problem? Oh god I hope he's not starving him self and I know he doesn't like his self image but I think he looks perfect the way he is. 

"Whats up with Keegan?" Callum looked over to me with concern. For some reason I don't like this guy, I know he's nice to Keegan and Im glad about that but It feels like he's hiding something. 

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know, he's been acting weird all morning" Which was probably from the incident last night but I couldn't be to sure. 

I got from my seat saying goodbye to Callum and Ian and headed out to the Hallways. Down the Hallway I could see Hannah standing by her self. 

I smiled and jogged over to her and she didn't look to happy. She jumped when she saw me behind her, why is she so jumpy all of a sudden. 

"You okay sweetie" I asked giving her a peck on the cheek. She nods "j-just perfect b-babe" She stutters and my smile faulted.  

"What happened?" you could clearly see something had happen, why wouldn't she tell me I am her boyfriend for god sakes. She shakes her head and smiles but I could see it was fake. 

"N-nothing happened I just feel...S-sick thats all, Im gonna go okay" she kisses my cheek and quickly rushed down the hallway turing right. 

Jeez whats everyone's problem today. She's usually all over me but its like she can't be near me. 

I turned around before the bell went and headed for my next class which was with Keegan so It wont be as bad I guess. I entered the classroom and took a seat at the back near the window waiting for Keegan and the class to start. 

The bell finally went after five minutes and the teacher and other students came in and took their seats but Keegan never showed. Did something happened between Keegs and Hannah maybe. 

"Okay class today we're gonna watch a documentary on the  left hemisphere of the human brain take notes since there will be a pop quiz next friday, so study because it will go towards your grades."

The teacher took a seat behind her desk and turned the TV on and played the video. Usually during classes like this I would talk to my mates by notes or phone but Keegan and that wasn't here. 

Wait maybe I should text him, he's missing class and notes for the test. 

To Keegan: Keeg's where are you?

To Keegan: Are you okay?

I left it at that, not wanting to bombarded him with messages, thirteen minutes passed by when I got a reply back. 

From Keegan: Im back at our dorm room and Im fine I have a headache thats all

To Keegan: Oh okay well take something for it then and drink water :3 

God I sound like his father wait no scratch that his father wouldn't give a shit about how he feels. By the way i've seen Keegan be treated by his father, Keegan deserved so much better, he deserved a life full of hugs and kisses not punches and kicks. 

The bell rang an hour later and I tucked my phone away and headed for the door. 

"Alex" I turned around to see the teacher with a few sheets in her hand. "Um yeah?" It came out more of a question. 

"I noticed Keegan wasn't here, do you know him by any chance" I smiled and Nodded.

"Yeah he's my roommate, why?" She made a "oh" face before handing me the sheets she was holding. 

"He needs to do some revision on what we watched for the quiz, can you give these to him" I nodded and smiled while taking the sheets. I headed out the door and made my way back to the dorm room. 

I opened the door seeing Callum and Keegan talking on his bed. Why was he here I groaned on the inside and shut the door. 

"Oh Hey Alex" I heard Keegan say softly making me smile. I looked up and headed over to him. 

"You feeling any better?" I asked feeling his head like a nurse. He chuckled "Yeah much better I had a nap before" 

I got up from the bed and headed into the living room dumping my bag on the floor. 

I turned around seeing Keegan enter with out Callum, he was still on his bed. 

"Hey Callum and I are gonna go out for a bit, did you want to join" he chirped happily, I didn't like the idea of him going out with Callum but at least his happy.  

"Nah I'll think ill pass on that one but Um have fun" I smiled, he nodded and went back over to Callum, both heading to the door. 

"Bye Alex" He smiled "See ya!" Callum yelled I rolled my eyes. 

The door shut and I texted Hannah seeing if she wanted to come over while they were gone. 

Keegan's POV

Callum and I decided to head out for a bit seeing that we had nothing else to do. We walked down the footpath in comfortable silence before he started speaking. 

"I have a idea" Callum clapped his hands excitedly. "And whats this amazing idea" I chuckled at his excitement. "I know a place you'll like" He grabs my hand, proceeding to pull me as he started running. 

We we're running for about 3 minute straight before we came to a stop, catching our breaths. We were in a forest looking area.

"where...are...we...going" I breathed out. He pointed a finger towards a opening in the trees. We slowly walked over there revealing the most breath taking place i've ever seen. 

I looked at him in a questioning way. "Its a salt lake, so like a closed in beach" He smiled makings his way to the water. 

I bent down to feel the water It was surprisingly very warm. I stood up seeing Callum wearing the devil's grin, it kinda scared me. 

"W-what?" I grew slightly worried when suddenly he ran at me. I took off down beach running for my dear life but I wasn't fast enough, he wraps his arms around my waist and lifted me up. 

"Callum I swear to-" too late, I was thrown into the warm water luckily I could swim. I came back up to the surface for air. 

I looked over seeing Callum laughing his ass off at me. I probably look like a wet water rat it was pretty funny though. I started walking back wearing a grin.

"Five" I stated he looked at me

"Four" He looked confused before his eye's widen "Keegan wait no I-"

"Three" I grinned even more "Keegan jus-"

"Two" He backed away very slowly, I was out of the water now. 

"Don't you even think ab-"

"ONE!" I ran towards him tackling him into the water causing up both to go under. 

I dragged myself back up to the surface taking a breath of air. Thanking the lord I didn't drown.

Callum resurfaced shortly, still laughing and choking in the process. We locked eyes before smiling. 

"Well that was fun" I chuckled looking at the sky above.

Roommates with Secrets (BoyxBoy)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara