Ever again!

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Trevor: sup Cameron! Are you at Ella's party?

Ella: hi Trevor....

Trevor: Ella? Is that you?

Ella: yeah! It is me! And guess who is in the room with me right now?!

Trevor: umm... Cameron?

Ella: my baby! MY BABY!

Trevor: oh..... Cameron told you didn't he! I didn't want him to tell you! I was going to but never had the chance!

Ella: why didn't you tell me sooner?! Like the day you said you wanted to be with me and I said YES?!

Trevor: well, I...

Ella: I really trusted you! When I was with Cam, he said he would at least, I repeat, AT LEAST, be IN Oscar's life! You don't want any part of him! You think it is any easier being a mother at 13?! Well, let me tell you something, IT'S NOT!

Trevor: I never meant to hurt you Ella! I just am not ready!

Ella: me neither...

Trevor: I'm sorry....

Ella: me too, Trevor. I don't want you to talk to me or my mom ever again!

Trevor: what? No! Ella! I just said I was sorry! I still want to be with you! I just-

I hung up. I realized that tears were going down my cheeks. And Oscar was still in my arms. He was awake now.

Ella: I'm sorry buddy, I didn't mean to wake you... I just want someone to be your daddy and I think I know who I want it to be...

He looked at me with his soft, baby blue eyes. He seemed to be listening to every word I say.


After about 10 minutes of sitting up in my room, looking down at Oscar, Cam and up the stairs.

Cam: hey...

I didn't respond....

Cam: Ella? What's wrong?

I continued to look at Oscar but I shook my head to let Cam know I was listening.

He sat down in the bed and I turned and kissed him. He didn't pull away or shift but just kissed me back. I pulled away and opened my eyes to meet his.

Cam: but.... what about Trevor?

Ella: we're done.

Cam: oh, sorry Ella...

Ella: it isn't your fault...

Cam: Ella?

Ella: yeah?

Cam: can we get back together?

Ella: defiantly!

He looked down at Oscar in my arms.

Ella: want to hold him?

Cam: yeah I do!

I put Oscar in Cameron's arms and he held him tightly. Oscar was still awake and he looked up to Cam. Cameron smiled and Oscar made a little baby smile.

Ella: he likes you!

Cam looked over at me and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him again. I pulled away and set my head on his shoulder and looked down at Oscar.

Ella: are you his Daddy?

Cam: I want to be but I need your permission.

Ella: you have it!

Cam smiled at me and we sat in the bed together until Oscar fell asleep.

The only reason me and him got up is we heard a doorbell....

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