Not again....

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That doorbell ruined everything. Mom called me downstairs and Cam stayed upstairs with Oscar.

When I could see the front door from the stairs, I took a glance and was shocked. There was Trevor standing in the doorway with his eyes all puffy and red and in his hands was his phone.

Ella: ..... Wh-wh-wha-

I was speechless. He had the guts to come here when I yelled at him to never come here. Everybody was in the living room talking except for my mom and me.

Mom: what's been going on?

Ella: family issues.

Mom: involving....?

Ella: Oscar.

Mom: and... Anything else?

Ella: fatherhood.

Mom: i see....

My mom looked over at Trevor while i kept my eyes on the floor.

Mom: I don't want to make anybody do anything but I think you two need to have a serious talk. And maybe some of the people who are also involved. But it needs to last and mean something.

Ella: there's only 3 people that are involved.

Mom: you, Trevor and who else?

Ella: Cameron.

Trevor: why?

Ella: because.

He just looked at me with confusion mixed with a little anger. He probably assumed that me and Cam were back together and he was spot on.

Ella: come with me....

I looked into Trevor's red eyes with two blue orbs in the middle. He walked up the stairs and met me at the top.

Ella: wait here for a second.

I opened the door to my room and Cam looked at me with now a sleeping Oscar in his arms.

Ella: we need to talk to someone. It's very important.

Cam: who?

I walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Trevor.

Cameron: why?

Ella: because.

I pulled up all the chairs to my table and we sat down. I took Oscar in my arms and rocked him slowly.

Cameron: so what do we need to talk about?

Ella: Trevor? Why did you come here?

Trevor: I needed to talk to you.

Ella: then talk,

Trevor: I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner that I don't want to be a father yet. But, I felt so awkward and stuck..... I realize you have no choice but to be a mother and everything but I do have a choice. I want to be a part in your life but not to be someone's dad....

Ella: then you can't be a major part in my life...

Trevor: not even as a friend?

Ella: there's a lot of people I care about in this world.... And there's a lot if people before you on that list....

Trevor: Ella! Why can't you realize I just can't do something's right now?! It's not my fault!


Trevor: did everything wrong Ella...

Ella: what's that supposed to mean?!

Trevor: you didn't have to be the one who took care of Oscar, you could of gave him up...

Cameron: you need to shut up!

Trevor: you stay out of this Cameron! You aren't even a part of this!

Ella: shut up!

Trevor: no, I need to say something!

Ella: some more bull is gonna come out of that mouth?

Trevor: SHUT UP!

Cameron stood up and pushed Trevor against the wall.


Trevor: get off me!

Trevor pushed Cam off him backwards. Cam tripped backwards toward me and Oscar. I held Oscar tightly in my chest as I fell on my back with nothing but the floor to catch me.

Cameron: ELLA!

I winced in pain, but I didn't care about my injuries, i focused in Oscar.

Cameron: IS HE OK?!

I looked down and he was squirming in my arms. I lifted him up and he just looked down at me, he seemed fine.

Ella: I th-think so...

I was now crying because of my own pain.

Cameron: are you ok?

He was now by my side helping me up.

Ella: that really hurt, I didn't catch myself. I wanted to protect Oscar...

Cameron stood up,

Cameron: YOUR DEAD!

He went to Trevor who was still on the wall.

Trevor: AM I?

Cameron punched in directly in the nose again and then in the stomach. He kneed him in the stomach and pushed him to the ground.

Trevor breathed hard on the ground and looked at me.

Trevor: I never.... Meant to.... Hurt him...

I just looked at him with Oscar clinging to me and a excruciating pain in my back.

Ella: .... You need to go!

Trevor's eyes turned from sad to emotionless.

I turned away as he left.

Mom: ELLA!?!!

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