13. My Savior

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I wake up with a gasp.

I sit up, quickly, and hysterically look around.

I'm on a couch of some sort, and besides me sits a teenage boy.

"What happened? What's going on?" I ask, dozily.

The teenage boy who to have been dozing off, snaps awake, on Que with my last word.I slowly sit up,  but my skulls feels like it's about to crack and spill my brain, so I lay back down. Instead off landing on the couch, I fall on the boy's well-built chest. I feel him tense up, but the tenseness goes away the second it came. Using all my strength, I quickly sit straight again.

"Sorry," I say, quickly.

"It's alright," the boy responds with a deep rich voice.

"Where am I?"

For the first time, I scan the place.

It looks like I'm in a greenhouse. There's a couch in the corner of the room, the couch that I'm sitting on. The place looks beautiful. There are flowers hanging from the ceiling, the walls are made of glass. Along the frames of the glass are vines with leaves, and little flowers that are beginning to bloom. There are different sort of plants, and flowers with different colors. The place smells of fresh soil. The smell alone, without the view, is enough to calm your brain. Over in one corner, there's a patch Dutchman pipe, the flower that only blooms at night. Some of the Dutchman Pipes are ajar, and that's all it takes for my anxiety to rise.

"What time is it? Where am I? What happened?" I say, now facing the boy.

I almost get choke by my breath because of a rotten smell. A rotten smell that seems very familiar to my nostrils, but it's gone as quick as it came. Then, I snap my attention back to the boy.

"Do you seriously not remember anything that happened?" he says, looking at me with concern. I slowly shake my head side to side. A whisper of cold wind hit my arm, and I shiver.

"Are you cold?" he asks.

"No, I'm fine, thank you," but a shiver proves otherwise. He does something that nobody ever did for me. He takes off his jacket and drop it over my shoulder, and I grab the jacket and pull it tight around me. I feel the calling, but very low, and I know he's there watching, and I'm glad.

"What happened? But start from the beginning," I say in a very low voice, almost a whisper.

"Okay, first, you came at the intersection and was waiting to cross, but you didn't look so good," he begins "I wanted to ask if you were okay, but I didn't know if I was going to just make it worse. Plus, I had some things to figure out myself, not to sound selfish," 

I sit there listening, waiting for a keyword, or something that strikes me as a hint to help me understand all of this.

"Anyways, the light said we could cross, and you went first. But, you almost got hit by a truck."

Right when he finish saying the word truck an image pops into my head. A black truck in the middle of a misty grey fog

"You were panicking, I tried to calm you down but you got up and ran. You couldn't stay straight you kept on going everywhere. You almost went right in front of a car, but the car stopped in time. I went running after you, but you were like a running cheetah. I lost you, took me awhile to find you again, but I found you sitting on a bench." he says with a wondrous look on his face. "I thought you were unconscious, but you started mumbling. but it you were talking too low, I think it was something about an old lady." another chill goes up my spine "I didn't know what to do, you started gasping for air, but you weren't in shock. You started asking to be in a garden, which was weird because you were already in one. But you kept asking for a garden, so I took you here."

"And where is here?" I ask, a bit fuzzy from all the information.

"This is my garden," He replies, and blushes "well, it's my grandmother's, but that was when she was still alive. Me and her built this garden together, it was our bonding time" sadness sweeps over his expression, but leaves as soon as it arrived "so yeah, now where here," he looks around, and a look of concern takes over his face

"Do you remember anything at all?"

My head is pounding like hell is trying to break loose. I want to get some rest, I want to be away from everything, but at the same time, I want answers.

I feel a pair of big hands caressing my face.

"Are you okay? you keep mumbling,"

Why did he not leave yet?

Why isn't he making fun of me?

Why is he willing to help, and not running away from me?

Why is he so gentle?

My brain is igniting, to much pressure, too many questions, too many events, I want to be away from myself.

"I just want to go home,"

"Do you remember where you live?"

Where do you live, well? I go deep in my memories, my painful memories. I'm going to give him my real address, I barely know the guy. I give him the street behind my house. Plus, the view of my house would probably make the guy run away from me and never come back , not that I'm expecting for us to see again.

"Sorry for taking so long, my brain is a bit fuzzy,"

"No, no it's okay take your time, I don't have to be anywhere anyways,"

" SW 1763 Janette St"

"Oh wait I know that street I saw it when I was fl--" he stops, then continues "Yeah I know that street. Are you sure it's that street?"

I simply nod.

"Can you walk?"

I hesitantly nod. My body says no, but my mind says yes. I go from sitting position and start to slowly stand up and take a step, everything is fine. I go for another step and everything turns jello. My legs runs out of power or electricity to function, and all my weight decides to drop down to my feet, which no longer function. The next thing I know, I'm falling, but before I hit the ground, once again, the same pair of strong hands catches me. Then, I'm cradled against the teenage boys' chest. Without meaning to, a gasp escapes my mouth from the grasp he had on my body.

"Don't worry I got you,"

All the sudden, the calling feeling, which means he's around, is going wild with rage, maybe, I don't know why though. I 'am in too much comfort to let myself be drag down by thoughts again. So, I settle into the boy's arms and ignore everything else.

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