Episode 15

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends

Episode 15: Applebloom takes the Road

Based on "Toby Takes the Road" by Christopher Awdry

While Pinkie Pie was away, Terrence had done all the shunting in the yard.

Terrence: Adaptable! That's what my owner says I am. Go anywhere, do anything, that's me! Take my advice, scrap your rails, broaden your outlook like me!

Pinkie: Pah! Me, plow a field? I'd rather stay on my rails, thank you.

Terrene: Steam engines did plow once upon a time and ran on roads.

Repairs to Mavis took longer than expected. so Applebloom got used to going to the quarry each morning. She doesn't mind extra work at all.

Then the weather changed , bringing heavy frosts during the night. This doesn't bother Applebloom, her fire kept her nice and warm, and puffed happily to and fro arranging cars, taking them down to the yard, and bringing back empty ones.

One particularly cold night, the ground froze solid and even Applebloom felt chilly.

Applebloom: Br!

She shivered as she left the shed, light engine, along the line towards the quarry.

When the ground freezes, it swells. and at the road crossing where Mavis had her accident,  frost had swollen the earth and the ruts beside the rails so much, that Applebloom's Wheels were lifted, clean off the track!

Applebloom: Oh! Ah! What's happening?

Applebloom's Driver: Whoa, Girl!

He put on the brakes as hard as he dared, Shakily, Applebloom came to a stop with all six of her wheels firmly on the roadway.

Applebloom: Oh Dear! Now what?

The Fireman jumped out.

Applebloom's Fireman: No problem! With care, just like Toby, we can put you back on the rails in no time!

Applebloom: I don't see how.

Directed by the fireman, the drive carefully reversed Applebloom along the ruts her wheels had made. At last, with a thud and a jolt, she felt rails safely under her wheels once more. She heaved a sigh of relief.

Applebloom's Fireman: Well done, Girl! I'll spread a couple of hot cinders from your fire along there to make sure it doesn't happen again, then we can safely up to the quarry and no one will ever be the wiser!

But they reckoned without Sir Topham Hatt.

When Mavis returned, he came to see the engines.

Sir Topham Hatt: What's this I hear, Applebloom? Trying to be a traction engine?

Applebloom blushed, but Sir Topham Hatt wasn't cross. Applebloom told him about Terrence, and Sir Topham Hatt laughed.

Sir Topham Hatt: If I were you, I'd leave roads to what they were made for. You stay on the rails. You'll find them much more comfortable.

Applebloom was quick to agree.



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