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Twilight, Thomas and Friends 

Episode 17: Alfred's Adventures on Twilight's Branchhline 

Part 2: Alfred

Previously On Twilight, Thomas and Friends... 

Twilight had worked on her branch line for a long time. Then, all of a sudden, Twilight has accident by crashing into the stationmaster's house and ending his breakfast in a quite uneventful way, which left Twilight's front badly twisted. Sir Topham Hatt sends her to the works to be mended,  to be a long job. He finds a replacement engine, a London and North Eastern Railway Class B12. 

Pinkie, Applejack, and Applebloom were sad. Twilight's  accident had caused a Great deal of trouble for the branchline. They missed her very much. They puffed into the station to find a new engine by the platform. He was painted LNER green, had 16 wheels, and his number was 98462. The Engines were happy to see a new engine. 

Sir Topham Hatt: This is Alfred. He's come here to pull coaches and freight while Twilight is... umm... Indisposed.

Pinkie: Nice to meet you, Alfred!

Alfred: It's such an honor to meet engines such as you, The Apple Sisters, and Sweetie Belle.

Sir Topham Hatt: Take Alfred to the sheds. I think he's tired from traveling here.

Applejack: Yes Sir!

Alfred: All Right. Let's see what this branch line is like.

So the engines showed him the stations.

Alfred: Magnificent. Just perfect.

Pinkie: I'm glad you like it!

Next, they showed him the Harbor.

Alfred: Reminds me of London.

Finally, They came to the Engine Sheds.

Alfred: Ah. What a beautiful branch line, I must say.

Applejack: We're happy to have you here and hope to have fun working with you!

Alfred learned about pulling coaches from Applejack, and Freight Cars from Pinkie.

Pinkie: Hey Trucks, Alfred! What do little horses read in kindergarden?

Alfred: I have no Idea!

Pinkie: Ponytales!

(The trucks, Pinkie, and Alfred Laugh.)

Alfred and Pinkie exchanged some jokes with the Freight Cars until they were tidily arranged.

I'm happy to say Alfred and Pinkie Pie became great friends. Great as her other friend, Twilight. Pinkie was still sad about her.

Alfred: This is perfect to be working with you, Pinkie Pie. I say we make a great team.

Pinkie: Yeah! We do!

So Alfred and Pinkie's team put the branch line on schedule.

To be Continued...

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