Episode 22

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends

Episode 22: Buster

Based on "Bulgy" by the Rev. W. Awdry

It was a special holiday on the Island of Sodor. Bertie the bus was working harder than ever before. All the other engines were busy too. Even on Twilight's branch line. Alfred was waiting at a station for his passengers. Near him stood a red bus, but he did not look friendly like Bertie. The bus growled as he gazed at several happy passengers as they boarded Alfred's Train.

Buster: Stupid nonsense. I would have brought them if I have known. I've had a breakdown or something.

Alfred: (smiles) I'm glad you didn't. Otherwise, you would have spoiled their fun.

Buster: Huh, enjoyment is all what you engines live for. One day, railways will be ripped up to make  room for the cars on the road.

Alfred felt shocked at such an idea.

Alfred: I beg your pardon! We have a friend named Bertie, and he's a bus, sometimes he makes fun of of railway, but he would not love to see it ripped up. 

Buster: Huh, I know Bertie. He is too small in size to be of any use.

The bus left, still in a bad temper. The guard blew his whistle.

Alfred: (thinking) That Bus is Silly.

Later, Alfred told Twilight, Pinkie and Scootaloo all about the bus.

Pinkie: (chuckles) I call him Buster!

Scootaloo: (laughed) He goes galavanting off on the streets, shouting, "Tear up the rails, and Free the Roads!"

But that afternoon, when Scootaloo  returned, she was no longer laughing.

Scootaloo: (serious tone) Buster's friend has come! He's rude too! He's taking Buster's passengers home, and leaving Buster free to steal ours!

Alfred: Oh, but he can't! But I say he's a big selfish snob.

Scootaloo: Me too. (Serious tone) More important, Buster is betting he can get to Knapford before any of us!

Alfred: Rubbish, Scoots. The station is much farther by road.

Scootaloo: Yes, I know that. But Buster  says that he knows has a shortcut!

That evening, the engines prepared for the homeward rush.

Alfred: Where could the passengers be?

Scootaloo: (shrilling) Look! Look at Buster! He's a mean, scolard deceiver!

On his side, Buster carried a large sign saying, "Railway Bus".

Buster: Yeah, boo snubs!

He left with a roar.

Alfred: Come on, coaches! Let's a see what he's up to!

Alfred thought of how to pay back Buster, but wasn't sure how. Then in the distance, Alfred saw a red flag.

Alfred: Danger. We must stop.

Alfred's Driver: Right-o!

The line here is on a bridge, which crosses over a narrow road. And there was Buster, wedged firmly under the bridge.

Alfred: (chuckled) So this was his shortcut!

The passengers came out of Buster and ran to Alfred and his coaches.

Buster's Passengers: He tricked us! He said he was a Railway Bus, but he wouldn't accept our return tickets! He wanted us to think railways were no good!

Alfred told the passengers to wait on the other side of the bridge. Alfred's crew carefully examined the bridge before crossing it.

Alfred's Driver: It's risky, but we must help the passengers.

Alfred: Passengers are of urgent need.

Alfred slowly and carefully crossed the bridge. Buster wailed as the bridge quivered underneath Alfred's weight.

Buster: Whoa! Whoa! Stop! It might fall on me!

Alfred: That would serve you right for telling lies.

But luckily for Buster, the bridge did not collapse. Alfred made good time, and all the passengers caught their trains.

Sir Topham Hatt order a shuttle service on the branch line. Alfred took the passengers  to the bridge, then they would cross it where Pinkie was waiting on the other side.

The bridge is now mended, but not Buster and his ways. He never learned sense. In fact, he told so many lies, that his passengers didn't even believe his time tables. He's a hen house now, and his lies can do no harm. The hens never listen to them anyway.


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