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'' she's on life support which means that she's already dead , If she can't breathe on her own , then she's dead completely.''  jc stood in the circle between us. everyone was at the hospital , it was just like Andrea's situation , all over again.  The doctor said that Jaylyn was hit in the back of the head and she was unconscious instantly , the object that she was hit with had to be metal , I don't understand why someone would do such a thing to a little girl. Jaylyn was recovering from her rape and now she gets attacked again? I just don't get this bullshit.

'' this is too freaky , Andrea was killed, Jaylyn was raped & attacked again , I feel like someone is after us.'' Connor said.

'' Andrea , she died from aids.'' Sam said.

'' says who? the doctor may have said that , but we don't know why she came to jc's house crying that night , anything could have happened and that person just knew that her having a disease would be a good cover , she most likely got away from the killer.''

''BUT WHY .. would they go after jaylyn?'' ricky butted in.

'' I don't think we need to be talking about this , his sister is dying and we're discussing a damn killer? let's focus on her right now.'' I told them.

I turned around to see jc staring out the window , It was pouring down raining out side and I could tell that he was crying , should I comfort him? I know that we're not on very good terms , but he's still mine.

I slowly walked up behind him and I wrapped my arms around him.

'' are you okay ?''  

he didn't say anything , his body just started to shake.


he fell to his knees , I bent down to help him up but I felt a sharp pain in my stomach which made me yell and back up against the wall , holding my stomach.

'' ARE YOU GUYS OK?'' everyone came running towards us. 

'' KIAN , what's wrong?''

'' DOCTOR.'' connor shouted

'' HE'S HAVING A FUCKING SEIZURE , SOMEONE DO SOMETHING.'' Sam got up from jc's side and ran down the hall to look for some help .

'' kian , is your stomach ok?'' Trevor helped me up.

'' No , It fucking hurts , something's wrong.''

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