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parents ' pov.

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'' Connor , you can not just stop this project because your friends are doing it. You have a lot of colleges that are accepting you and you're gonna throw this away for them? It makes no sense and we did not raise you to let anybody else influence your decision , this is why I never liked that SAM kid.'' my father stood in front of me with my mother on his right side.

''Sam , what the hell is wrong with you? you know I should have seen this coming , you're lazy and you're always getting yourself into situations and now you're not gonna graduate? how stupid can you be? I work hard  , me and your mother and you're gonna do this to us? what about the money that we're saving for you? WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN STUPID?''

'' Ricky , I support your decision and I want you to do what's right for you and I want you to follow your dreams , but you're a senior so I don't think that dropping out so late is a great idea , you have major goals in life and I want to see you achieve them , just think about this before you make a huge decision for your future.''

'' Trevor , you're going to college and you don't have a fucking choice. your friends can stop doing an assignment all they want , but your ass better figure a way to pass that damn class because if you don't , I WILL KICK YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE AND I WON'T SUPPORT YOU ANYMORE.'''


Connor : they don' t get it.

Sam: fuck it.

Ricky: I don't know what I WANT to do.

Trevor : I have to pass this class.



I just found out what the sex of our baby was and I'm so fucking excited. I decided not to tell jc right now , he's mad at me and I'm mad at him and I wouldn't wanna ruin his time with his new girl friend.

but , we're having a boy..

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