Chapter 10

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Just a recap - in the past few days I found the one who I have been speaking to for forever, or more accurately, he found me : i fell and cut my head open, had stitches, avoided him, thinking the absoloute worst, only to find i was very wrong, and asked him on a date. We're going on a date. Edward Cullen and I are going on a date. Hm.

Smash, I jumped back quickly as I slammed into Kyra, causing her to drop the tray of empty glasses she had in her hand. I felt my face turn cold as the blood drained from my cheeks while I watched them shatter over the floor, sending shards of glass flying. However, with a single glance back around at my surroundings my heart began to pound loudly, and i felt my blood rushing back into my cheeks as they heated up.

"Oh my God, Kyra, I'm so sorry!" i exclaimed as my hand flew to my mouth, my eyes widening as I moved around her towards where the cleaning supplies gets kept "I'll clean it right away!"

I was speaking through my fingers. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it behind my ears, my breathing had gotten heavy and I felt tears beginning to form - yup, I'm embarrassed. I made my way back to the closet, pulling it open and moving inside, I wrapped my hands around the broom and froze, dropping my head slightly.

"Bella?" i heard a voice from behind me. I didnt have to look to see who it was.

"I'm so sorry, I really am." i said as i turned to face my boss. "I swear I'm the worst employee ever."

"Don't be ridiculous," she replied in her typical soft tone. "We all have our days, I was just wondering what got my best waitress so distracted."

I flushed once more, turning my head to the side, my hair falling like a wall between us. I shrugged once and she laughed.

"Bella, you're not just an employee. You're a friend. You have always been kind and reliable. You can talk to me, its no big deal."

I took a deep breath, pausing for a moment before I moved past her, carrying the broom in my hand and walking back out to the scene of the incident. She followed dutifully behind me, knowing full well I would tell her what she wanted to know.

"You remember the guy I met online?" I asked.

"The super sweet anonymous emotional dream boat?" she questioned as i began sweeping the glass.

"Thats the one." I said, "and you remember the new guy in town who came in a few days ago - Edward Cullen?"

"The super sexy green eyed mysterious dream boat?" she grinned.

"Again, thats the one." i replied with a grin.

"Oh, Bella, are you in a love triangle with mystery man and anonymous man?" she said excitedly, clapping her hands together as I swept the shards of glass into the dustpan. "You lucky girl."

"If that was the case - which it's not. I don't think I would consider myself lucky." I shrugged.

"So what is it?" she said, visually becoming confused.

"Well.." I dragged out.

"Dont you dare stall, Isabella." she groaned sternly.

"They are the, uh" I paused slightly. "The same person."

Her jaw dropped as she stared at me, without actually seeing me. I think she was forgetting to breath. I layed the full dustpan on the floor and stood up, wrapping my hands around her arms and shaking her gently.

"Close your mouth, Kyra, you'll catch bugs!" I teased desperately.

"Holy crab apples." she whispered, before her eyes finally focused back on my face.

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